The Wick Theatre Presents Always… Patsy Cline

Heartfelt Revue Features a Wealth of Hit Songs


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The Wick Theatre is delighted to present Always…Patsy Cline, based on the true story of legendary country artist Patsy Cline’s friendship with Houston housewife, Louise Seger. The Wick production runs from April 25 through May 19, 2019. Tickets are 75-$85, or call the box office at 561-995-2333.

“This show is a tribute to a lasting friendship that melds Patsy Cline’s trailblazing poignant songs with a life of humor, sadness and reality,” said Marilyn A. Wick, Managing Executive Producer. “It celebrates the strong bond enjoyed between Patsy Cline and her adoring friend and confident, Louis Seger.”

Louise Seger met her idol in 1961, when Cline went to Houston for a show. Louis arrived early and, by coincidence, met Cline who was traveling alone. They immediately struck up a friendship and over a pot of strong coffee, the women chatted about their common concerns. When Cline left for Dallas, Louise never expected to hear from her idol again. But, a pen-pal relationship followed and provides much of the show’s plot.

The play focuses on the fateful evening in 1963 at Houston’s Esquire Ballroom when Louis hears of Cline’s death in a plane crash. Louis supplies a narrative while Cline floats in and out of the set singing tunes that made her famous–Anytime, Walkin’ After Midnight, She’s Got You, Sweet Dreams, and Crazy–to name a few. This brilliant show offers fans a chance to look back, while giving new fans an idea of what experiencing Patsy Cline was like and what she meant to her original fans.

The show stars Terri Dixon and Lourelene Snedeker and is directed by Dom Ruggiero, with musical direction by Caryl Fantel.

The Wick Theatre Presents Always… Patsy Cline
Heartfelt Revue Features a Wealth of Hit Songs

Opening/Media Night: April 27, 2019

Show Dates: April 25 – May 19, 2019

Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun Matinees at 2:00 p.m.

Thurs, Fri, Sat Evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets: $75.00 – $85.00, or call 561-995-2333

Location: The Wick Theatre is located at 7901 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL 33487

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