Thank YOU For Getting Us There!


BocaWatch was organized in 2012 with a group of concerned citizens who felt their voices were not being heard. In favor of “responsible, sustainable growth”, these residents were becoming alarmed at the unbridled amount of high density development approvals with technical deviations and variances in Downtown Boca.


And now, just a few short years later, we are very proud to announce we have achieved more than 5000 likes on our BocaWatch-Official Facebook Page, thanks to you, our followers and supporters.  Our website gets 1000’s of hits daily.  Residents are interested and concerned. (See website stats below).


Boca Watch has increased the citizen’s voice in city government.  We have now begun to change the status quo.  The community leaders have begun to hear and respond to our rising voices.


BocaWatch’s purpose is to inform, educate and promote conversation regarding your government.  We post Commentaries on our Blog, City Agenda Items, and  Newspaper Articles on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  We also provide information on Proposed Developments, City Procedures,  the Development Process, as well as Community Leader Contact Information.


“Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail, without it nothing can succeed.”  –Abraham Lincoln


We encourage you to have your voice heard by commenting directly on the Hot Topics Blog articles on our website or Facebook or by sharing ideas with us by writing and submitting your own article.


Website Stats:

  • 12k highly targeted pageviews/month
  • Users stay on site for an average of 4min 40sec (This is really high. 200% more than the average. Shows that users are highly engaged with the content.)
  • Gender: 59% Male, 41% Female
  • Age: 36% 65+, 26% 55-64, 18% 45-54, 12% 35-44 (Averages really high with 65+ taking the majority. Shows that there is a huge buying power, which the advertisers love.)
  • In-market to buy (in the order of priority):
    • Real Estate (Residential properties)
    • Travel – hotel & air travel
    • Investment services
    • Autos & Vehicles
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