Citizen’s Voice Has Been Heard Regarding Green Space


And It’s YES.

Good morning Boca Raton,

The Boca Raton question, perhaps the City’s most important grass root movement in decades, has been decided in favor of the preservation of City owned green space on the Intracoastal Waterway, with a clear message that green space and recreation represents the political will of the people.

Residents have responded to the City Council’s desire to hear what the residents want.  Residents have spoken with a resounding voice.

YES  66.79%        28,077

NO   33.21%        13,960

The City Council has been provided clear direction by this referendum’s outcome.  The Council must now take actions consistent with the referendum’s directive.

Thanks to all Boca Raton residents for their participation in what can only be interpreted as a ‘change’ election; a change that is long overdue and so very welcomed.

Congratulations, to the residents of Boca Raton as the city can move into the future within this changed narrative….

The task now is to begin working with the City Council, our elected officials, for the ‘interpretation and implementation’ of this ordinance consistent with the political will.

Again, congratulations to all…..

Al Zucaro, Publisher,


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  1. We owe it all to James Hendrey. This is a great night, which I can’t believe. I think I will have a glass of wine to celebrate.

  2. Those who worked so hard to achieve this result captured the anger and frustration we all feel over what has happened in downtown Boca Raton. The “if you bring it, we’ll approve it” attitude of our City Council has resulted in a “new” Boca which is architecturally sterile, and which lacks the necessary infrastructure to handle an influx of over 5000 new residents and hotel guests. It has been a development disaster. Boca’s City Council should heed the results of the Boca question as the opening shot in the March 2017 local election. There is still time to demonstrate that they hear the voice of the voters. For starters, they can postpone approval of any major new construction projects until they have a comprehensive traffic plan for Boca and have an infrastructure impact assessment of the new construction that has already been approved.

  3. Thank you Jack, but it was not a one person effort. Being in this fight makes one appreciate the unreal amount of work of many especially Jim and Trish Wood. The Woods really ran this effort while Nancy and I used our skills with the support of many others. It was and is all about team. Think of the future, Boca’s future. There is more to do.

  4. Having lived in Boca since 1957, THIS win/accomplishment begins to bring Boca Raton BACK inline with what the city forefathers visioned for the community. It is about the people, not development or what city council wants.

  5. Thank you to all who were involved in protecting what’s left of our city. Great stand!
    I will be attending the Boca Raton historical Society event this evening, and I wonder, what history is left in this town? Not so much.

  6. To the Hendry’s, the Wood’s, McDougal’s and all the others who caused this to happen,


    This was a remarkable achievement of for all of the people involved, and also for the political process that allows citizens to dissent, create law, and have it enacted when their elected representatives are unwilling to do so.

    Now it’s time to form a consensus on the use of the Wildflower property, and cause the city to act. It is unacceptable that this jewel of a property continue to be treated as an abandoned wasteland, as it has been for the last seven years. Convincing our city leaders to take some positive action on this topic will require additional effort.

  7. Great news and a strong message to developers. Look elsewhere to build, build, build. Hope this momentum translates to a vote to keep green space and golf in Boca Teeca. Say NO to hundreds of Lennar homes.

  8. Thank you to all those that fought for this cause. As stated in the article, the city has now been provided with clear direction as to how to proceed. This is a win for the citizens of Boca Raton.

  9. Thank you so so much Boca Watch for getting out the truth.

    Residents want green space and recreational space, not more building.

    Residents want city council members (and city management) that reflect their wishes and not the wishes of developers and special interests that contribute to their campaigns.

  10. CONGRATS! Once in a while, with an overwhelming win like this, we are reminded of the power of the people.
    I hope bruised egos do not continue to thwart the mandate, to turn this neglected gorgeous waterfront property into another Boca jewel for the benefit of all. This is not about elected officials or private enterprise…it is about open space, preserving the ‘quality of life’ and doing the right thing for generations to follow. The voters understood the issue and voted to do just that.
    Thanks “YES” voters and supporters

  11. It is not Glen Gromann or Jamie Acernese who count; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

    with a nod to FDR


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