Traffic Studies. . . All We Ask Is For a Fair Public Hearing


For some time now citizens of Boca Raton have grown skeptical about testimony given at public hearings when it comes to development projects.  Often times these hearings leave a resident scratching their head after hearing facts presented that just don’t make sense.  Not only does it seem unbelievable, it drives home the notion that the meetings seem to have an underlying agenda to benefit all things development, citizens be damned.

All that citizens request is a fair shake in the process.  Provide facts – all the facts – without bias, and allow the citizens to weigh in based on all the information. Is that too much to ask?

Apparently that was the case at the April 9th Planning and Zoning Board meeting.

Please view the attached 10 minute informational video and decide for yourself
Traffic Issue P&Z 4/9/15.

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