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The Boca Raton Kiwanis hosted their annual 5K Run/Walk fundraising dinner at the Boca Raton Community Center, on Nov. 5th, at 6p.m. A tasty buffet was enjoyed by Kiwanians, Key Clubbers, sponsors, and guests, catered by GoodEats of Lake Worth.
Key Club Lieutenant Governor of Division 21, Selin Kovak, addressed the audience eloquently, with her gratitude to the Kiwanis. Lietenant Governor Selin Kovak, currently attends Boca Raton Community High School. As Lieutenant Governor of Division 21, Selin Kovak over sees 13 high schools for the 2019-2020 Service Year. There are approximately 1,000 Key Club members in Division 21. The Boca Raton Kiwanis Club, sponsors the following Key Clubs; Boca Raton Community High, Park Vista High, Grandview Preparatory, Spanish River High, and West Boca High schools. She emphasized the support that has been received from the Boca Raton Kiwanis. “We are so thankful for the work Boca Raton Kiwanis does to support us in our journey of service to build our homes, our schools, and our communities. Without the Boca Raton Kiwanis we would not be able to be the strong Clubs that we are today. We are so fortunate to have the unwavering support of both our Communities, and the Boca Raton Kiwanis Club. We are all excited in helping out with the annual 5K Scholarship Race. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, and we are so happy to be here tonight!”

Honorary Chairs for the Reed Rainbow Run will be Mr. Jerry Fedele, and Mrs. Terry Fedele.

The 2020 Kiwanis/Key Club 5K Reed Rainbow Run is in honor of Dr. Dick Reed. Dr. Dick Reed is a former principal of Boca Raton Community High School. He has been active with the Kiwanis for 12 years, and currently serves as a Key Club Advisior.

The Kiwanis/Key Club 5K Reed Rainbow Run/Walk is for Homeless, and Foster Care College Scholarships. The event will be held on January 26, 2020, Sunday, at the Spanish River Athletic Complex, which is located at 1000 Spanish River Blvd., Boca Raton. Registration begins at 6:30a.m. The race starts at 7:30a.m. Awards will be given to the first, three places of males, and females in age groups of 5 years. T-Shirts will be given to the first 200 registered. For more information visit
The Boca Raton Kiwanis Club meets on Thursdays 4:00p.m.-5:30p.m., at Clive Daniel Home store, located at 1351 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33432.
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