It’s August 28th! – VOTE TODAY!

Boca Needs You - You Neighborhood Needs You


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Today is the day for Boca Raton’s Special Election. Today is the day to vote.

Find Your Polling Place with the Precinct Finder – CLICK HERE

If you love your neighborhood here’s something to think about: politicians pay attention to which neighborhoods vote. A neighborhood that votes is more politically valuable than a neighborhood that doesn’t. Politicians don’t want to disappoint neighborhoods with a lot of voters. Neighborhoods with fewer voters aren’t as valuable to please. Don’t let your neighborhood be forgotten – vote and represent.

Vote for our future. Vote for the parks, for the beaches, for the ocean. Vote for our kids, our elders, our families. This is your community and today it needs you more than ever. Vote for Boca Raton.

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