Inconsistent EMS Coverage In West Boca


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail

How the City of Boca, Mayor Singer, George Brown, Commissioner Weinroth and the County of Palm Beach are affecting the lives and security of over 2000 residents in 12 Boca Raton-Unincorporated PBC communities, due to distances of Fire & EMS responder stations.

After interviews with both Boca and Palm Beach EMS personnel, it was agreed by all (EMS) that the fact that these Boca communities are 1.9 miles from EMS services,in a modern multimillion dollar station yet these residents must rely solely on Palm Beach County’s EMS stations which are over 7- 11 miles away, due to “Unincorporated status” of the Communities, which are within Boca Raton’s Zoning!


Furthermore, the Palm Beach County EMS Station, is usually unmanned, and antiquated  due to having only 3 people on staff, one fire truck, and one ambulance, and if they are out on calls, EMS services must come from as far as 11 miles away.


Below is one of the many correspondences which are still unanswered and unresolved since last year , after several emergencies which included myself (Heart Attack) And had to wait over 20 minutes for EMS to Arrive due to zoning logistics.

Dear Mr. Brown, Mayor Scott Singer, Leif Ahnell, et al:
Regarding your response below to our correspondence of June 26, 2019, concerning the dangerous situation affecting over 3000 residents in 12 communities who are unable to obtain proper EMS services from the nearest Fire Station, and which you stated (Incorrectly) that the nearby Firehouse-Ems could not handle such calls, proves to be patently false- I After my on-camera interviews with your own Boca Firemen and Rescue squad personnel , who directly contradict your statement that “It would negatively Impact the City’s ability to provide services to Boca Residents “ From my months of conversations with The County of Palm Beach, there is agreement among Firemen, EMS, and other rescue personnel, that these services must be updated ,and must be coordinated with The City of Boca Raton ,which is imperative in resolving this situation. Especially as it is affecting peoples safety and lives on a daily basis.

Editor’s Note:

This article by Mr. Weinberg highlights the confusion around “what is Boca Raton?” Elected officials seem to favor the idea of the City Boca growing upwards towards the sky, but not outwards to encompass our neighbors to the west, who for lack of a better name, call themselves “Boca Raton” too. Since they get the benefits of the “brand” yet pay for something different entirely, shouldn’t we re-invigorate the debate to #AnnexWestBoca ???


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  1. Thank you Fred Weinberg for bringing this into the media’s attention. It is for all our welfare this be changed.
    I have shared this to my FB posts to speed the word.

  2. This situation has been going on for years. It is high time that these politicians act on the serious lack of proper EMS and other services to Unincorporated communities.Politicians such as
    Commissioner Robert Weinroth and Alleged corrupt city officials Ahnell , Brown and others pass the buck and sit on their do nothing hands , while folks suffer needlessly.

  3. This article is full of inaccuracies I have read Boca Watch since it’s inception and am very disappointed that an article this inaccurate would ever get published.
    The mileage, number of residents, staffing, antiquated station just to name a few.
    It seems Boca Watch should dig in and get the facts correct and not exaggerated by someone that just wants a true Boca address.

    • With all due respect, and thanks for your input: Due diligence has been done prior to publication. After over a year of research AND PERSONAL INTERVIEWS with Boca and Palm Beach EMS Firemen, Who provided information on locations of EMS stations , distances and response times, plus personal experiences, This article was released. The recordings spoke for themselves, and are
      projected to be broadcast on TV and radio , plus a town hall meeting to be announced.


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