Boca Raton Wildflower Park Progress Tracking


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Let’s briefly review some history.

*Seven years ago the city purchased the Wildflower parcel for $7.5M

*Five years ago a city survey and resident workshop on Wildflower site usage significantly favored recreation

*Fifteen months ago the city council voted against spending $313K to open the park for recreation

*Eleven months ago the city issued an RFP for a comprehensive waterfront study

*Four months ago 29,378 residents voted in favor of recreation on city-owned Intracoastal Waterway lands

As of this writing no plan exists to do anything with the Wildflower site. It’s as useless as it was seven years ago. So if the city council can’t come up with a plan for this, what are the chances of them:

  • Creating a plan to resolve the parking problems?
  • Creating a plan to resolve the traffic problems?
  • Creating a plan to stop the overdevelopment binge?

Are you ready for the answer…wait for it…the chances are ZERO!

Look at how long the current city council members have had to create plans to resolve these problems. Not only does the city council not have any plans to resolve the problems, but because of their bias toward approving massive commercial developments, they CREATED the problems.

So below is the updated Wildflower Park Progress Tracker showing no progress since the last update. No new actual milestone completions and no planned dates to complete milestones. On August 10, 2016 the city agreed to pay EDSA $99,383 for Task 1 of the comprehensive waterfront study. By January, 2017 EDSA should have completed an inventory of waterfront lands and held a public outreach for residents’ ideas. Seen anything?

We usually recommend contacting your city council members and asking them to do something, but in five years that hasn’t worked. They don’t listen to residents. Our recommendation now is to vote the current city council members out of office on March 14th and vote in resident friendly candidates.

BocaWatch will continue to track and report on the status of Wildflower Park.

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