ATTENTION RESIDENTS: Be concerned, Be Very Concerned!


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Whoever coined the phrase the ‘dog days of summer’ must not have been in Boca Raton over the last few years. Boca Raton is a year round city; a city with civic issues that can no longer be kicked down the road. Having said that, it is necessary to stay alert; the concerned resident needs to know that on June 12th next Monday, the CRA/City Council members will be considering items of significant interest concerning many residents within in the community.

First up at the CRA meeting will be ‘Downtown Parking’; Downtown parking again takes center stage. Downtown Parking is a topic being pushed by CRA Chairman Scott Singer. In his ‘Coffee and Conversation’ announcement received yesterday, Mr. Singer informs that this item will be brought back and that he will again argue for placing a parking structure west of the railroad tracks, east of the downtown library; his uneducated solution to the compelling issue of downtown parking. This ill-conceived idea has drawn objection from three other members on the CRA and has been panned by the city’s outside consultant(s). This idea will cost many millions of dollars; a cost analysis that has not yet been conducted. He will argue that “By moving forward, we could have a new city garage opened next year.” In his wildest imagination, next year!!!….Last month, the CRA manager stated that just to evaluate the idea of a trolley system would take the better part of a year and estimated a cost of $900,000 to implement. If one thing is sure in Boca Raton, nothing ever gets done within the time frame assigned….this will be no different.

Second, later on Monday, the City Council is scheduled to discuss two (2) items of significant public concern. 1) Southwest Planned Mobility District “Midtown”; and 2) Strategic Planning Follow up workshop. Each of these items have been center stage in the last few month.

Midtown Boca has generated a lot of public interest. The Crocker Partners have conducted over a dozen ‘Town Halls’ in an effort to inform the citizens of what is being thought about and planned. Residents are encouraged to come to City Hall or watch it on Channel 20 as this promises to be very informative and a most useful opportunity for residents to hear what the elected officials may be considering for such a major redevelopment project.

Finishing the day is the Strategic Planning Follow Up Workshop which will be presented under the City Manager Reports and may include the list of priorities adopted by the elected officials in the May ’17 facilitated session. Should prove to be very interesting; certainly informative on what are the items taking top priority for implementation within the next fiscal year.

At any rate, residents must take part. Participating is the most immediate way to effect change. Of course, the best way to effect change is to make sure that those elected officials are putting you, the resident first; that they are ‘resident friendly’ and vote in a ‘resident friendly’ way.

Remember this, however,….


Al Zucaro, Publisher

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