All Voters Can Vote By Mail Using Absentee Ballots


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Absentee Ballots aren’t just for people who are going to be out of town for the election. Every voter can use the Absentee Ballot process and vote from home. If you’ve got the time now, why put it off?

Go to the Palm Beach County Elections Website for Instructions and to Get Started Now!

Here’s how to vote by mail using an Absentee Ballot:

The Palm Beach County Elections Website has specific instructions and the forms you will need to vote by mail.

Click here to go to the County Elections Website.

When you fill out the forms you’re requesting a ballot. This means you’re going to have to wait – they’re going to send your ballot back to you by mail. Then you’ll need to mail your ballot in.  All of these steps take time – so if you’re planning on using an Absentee Ballot then you’ll want to get started now. Get your vote counted!

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  1. Check with the Supervisor of Elections but “Absentee” ballots is no longer the preferred term for using paper ballots by mail. Preferred usage is
    “Vote by Mail” ballots.


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