The Requirements for City Council Candidates: Could YOU Do It?


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail


No City Council seat should go unchallenged!

Representative government means that once elected, a council member’s vote is subject only to the resident voice on particular issues.  Most issues go unnoticed by residents and those that generate resident interest are the exception rather than the rule.

In reality, the only time the resident get to identify a council person’s positions on issues is in the election process.  Council members elected without opposition prevent the public debate on the political issues of the day.

Call to action:  Candidates step forward.  Hold the current council to the task of representing the resident.

For the most part, the current council has mostly been a disappointment.

Developers again seem to rule the roost.

You need only look at the candidate’s contributor list to see who the influencers are….Follow the money to predict what the future votes of your elected representatives will be.

Al Zucaro, Publisher


Fuzzy Math

65,000 Registered Voters
Three Seats
Four Candidates
Three Incumbents
One Contender

Filing Deadlines Rapidly Approaching

The Qualifying Period for the Boca Raton City Election ( scheduled for March 17th 2020 ) is ending January 10th 2020


The Qualifying Period begins January 2nd 2020 at 8:00 AM and ends January 10th 2020 at 5:00 PM. “Even if a candidate has Pre-Qualified with the city, they must submit additional state and municipal forms with the required fees during the Qualifying Period,”

Seat A & Seat B Candidates have no opposition currently and will not have to face any competition.

Declared candidates for Mayor:

Declared candidate for Seat A:

Declared candidate for Seat B:

What is Wrong with this Picture ?

City Council Members Do Not Educate or Encourage Residents to Participate in Our Municipal Election as Candidates.

From the City’s Website’s [with links corrected] ‘Candidate Qualifying‘ page:

In order to qualify as a candidate, the following State and City forms must be completed and submitted during the qualifying period.  All forms are available online as well as in the City Clerk’s Office.

Florida Division of Elections forms:  

Florida Commission on Ethics form:  

City of Boca Raton forms:

Important Information for Candidates

The Florida Election Code/Chapters 97 – 106 Florida Statutes
Candidate and Campaign Treasurer Handbook
Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees
City Charter Chapter 2 Article V – Code of Ethics
City Code of Ordinances Chapter 6 – Elections
Palm Beach County Code of Ethics

Helpful Websites

Florida Division of Elections
Florida Commission on Ethics
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics
City of Boca Raton Charter and Code of Ordinances

I want to make a difference and Help a Qualified Resident Run for Seat A or B

Interested in being a candidate for the upcoming Boca Raton election? I coach and mentor potential candidates. Contact me, Bernard Korn – and I’ll give you the information, just like the information in this article, to improve your chances of winning.

Please call me for more information:

Bernard Korn – 561 482 9557

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