Poll: Is Boca Growing More Beautiful?

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This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Beyond the beauty that once came from Nature here, and it’s treasured location containing some of the United State’s most beautiful beaches, there’s been more that’s made Boca Raton beautiful. There’s the structures, the buildings, the architecture.

Four Simple Questions:

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  1. Boca has lost its charm. It was beautiful. Politicians and developers have ruined a beautiful city. We have been here more than 38 years and it was always ….don’t let it get like FtLauderdale and be concrete. You can no longer drive up A1A and see the ocean due to large homes one on top of the other with no beach access.
    The golf course on Glades is in jeopardy with the pending sale to GL Homes.
    The building continues, just look at what’s happening west of 95.

  2. Downtown Boca needs rejuvenation …even though we may enjoy good old Addison’s style we need more lively venues ,eating and entertainment.
    The demographics are changing…walkability is growing in leaps and bounds …so residents want to walk to something walk to do something…..duhhhhh.
    Too many empty spaces……the mini strip mall next to the downtown Post Office is in DIRE need of a sprucing up…..it looks more like Mr.Mizner’s Masoleum than an inviting place to go and have a nice dinner, perhaps a cocktail etc.

    You can maintain the historical beauty of Boca AND Spruce it up ….


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