Threats to Boca Raton’s Pristine Beaches


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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As presented during the initial 2500 N. Ocean debacle, Pandora’s box has opened for development on our beaches in Boca Raton. Introducing the “Boca Beach House,” at 2600 N. Ocean Blvd. which is described as a “one of a kind oceanfront setting surrounded by nature preservation areas” according Azure Development, LLC. Azure Development is located in downtown Delray Beach, FL and the owner of 2600 N. Ocean is Grand Bank Natl Assn with a mailing address of GREENSPOON MARDER PA C/O 250 S AUSTRALIAN AVE STE 700, WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401.

2600 N. Ocean will consist of 4 bedrooms, 5 ½ baths, a glass elevator, 4 car garage, rooftop pool, spa, fire pit and a summer kitchen. Let’s not forget that 40-foot boardwalk through protected Sea Grapes leading to the ocean. Plans containing the exact square footage of the property are still in the works, however 4 stories are proposed. And, we thought 2500 was bad…

What do 2500 N. Ocean and 2600 N. Ocean have in common? Both are monstrosities of “homes” plotted directly on sand dunes, endangering nature, wildlife and marine habitats. Boca is known to be the only city in South Florida without countless miles of development on the shoreline, until now. You can thank your un-resident friendly Council Members who vote in favor of this kind of development.

The fate of our beaches is up to the City Council, as both properties will come forward with a public hearing and a decision will be voted on and made. Both properties are not scheduled on the agenda, but things change quickly around here.

Below is a checklist of 2500 and 2600 N. Ocean Blvd.

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These developments have the potential to blight Boca Raton’s pristine beaches. Please join us in prodding the City Council to abandon their path of granting variances to avoid controversy. Let’s fight to keep our beaches. Let your voice be heard by the Mayor and City Council Members:

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  1. Someone has got to stop the city council from rubber-stamping all of these projects. If both of these projects are allowed to go through then people on the opposite side of A1A will lose their views of the beach that they paid high dollars for.

    City council must listen to the people that voted them onto office.

    The voters have the ability to change city council as city council is not above the law and should not be “for sale” to the highest developer!

  2. Don’t let them ruin our beautiful beaches. Bad enough we have lost all the charm of Boca’s “downtown” with those big buildings

  3. This should go to a vote not only by council but by all of us who live here and don’t want anymore building in Boca Raton period. Enough is ENOUGH in what WAS a quaint city. Throw out all the council members and begin with anew. Money Mongers … We pay the taxes and should have a say to what should and.should NOT be built. NO BUILDING ALONG OUR BEAUTIFUL BEACHES NO NO NO

  4. It has been a concerted effort for 35 years or more by all previous Boca Raton city councils to prevent any building on Boca’s beaches. The result is from 2400 N Ocean Blvd North to the city line there are no buildings on the east side of A1A. The current Mayor and city council have granted variances that will break that trend. WE need a change in the Mayor’s office and the city council!

  5. Thank you all for the comments above….I cannot tell you how upset the City Council’s actions allowing for beach development to move forward on the east side of A1A makes me…Our beach is pristine…The landowner’s threat to sue should have been met with indignation. Bring it on! The resident’s resolve is unequivocal and the council should react accordingly; to wit: mount a zealous legal defense for preservation of our beach. This was and is a fight worth fighting. No acquiescence on this point by the elected officials is acceptable. Al Zucaro. 561-644-1665.


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