The Wildflower Property – Proposal Withdrawn-So What Happens Next?


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Hillstone has decided that they are no longer interested in pursuing a Houston’s restaurant on the Wildflower property. One can only imagine the various scenarios that could have led them to alter their course so quickly and conclusively.

So what happens next?


The first thing that should happen, and should have happened years ago, is that we should plant some grass, put in a few park benches, take down the ‘no trespassing’ signs, and allow the people who paid $7 million for this property to use it. Relax, read a book, watch the boats go by, etc.


The next thing that should happen is that the will of the people should be honored. Let’s take a look at some of the possible uses for this jewel, and see if we can come up with some ideas that are a bit more creative than a chain restaurant.



Now is the time to speak up. Make your wishes known to your city councilors. We have seen a half dozen viable uses for this property. Now that a chain restaurant is off the table (Hillstone was the only interested party) it may be time to entertain another charrette – where some creative minds can propose a few great ideas. We may be able to build something we can be proud of for generations to come…….


ATTEND THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING – TUESDAY, 10/27/15 at 6:00pm, City Hall.


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  1. This would be the perfect time to put forth Jonathan Kolbe’s idea and also any former ideas that have been presented and not pursued.

  2. Let’s consider a waterfront park like Delray has at Atlantic and Intracoastal. Playgroumd, benches, boat docks, maybe a small concession.

  3. The Wildflower property has already been held captive for over 6 years. While we’re deciding it’s future…I would like to implore that our City Leaders take the initiative to take off the padlock, remove the “no trespassing” sign, get our property cleaned up, and put some grass down so it’s not an eye sore or what looks like a code violation headache. As another beautiful Boca season gets underway, there is no reason that this property be an embarrassment. I believe we can do better.

    • Absolutely! Why has that unsitely wall not been painted for all this time? Certainly something could be done relatively inexpensively to make this usable in the interim.

  4. Waterfront park for certain. Someone has presented it already. Boca has enough restaurants and doctors and such, waterfront park a must. It would be beautiful

  5. I am sad that the property will not be utilized as a waterfront restaurant? Has anyone noticed that Boca Raton has no waterfront restaurants, and no ocean front restaurants. The residents go to Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Pompano Beach to enjoy a waterfront dining experience. I think the city has ENOUGH parks! The city also has a MAJOR issue with the homeless. The reason there are locks everywhere on Wildflower Property, is due to the fact the homeless and druggies are taking over the city parks. Lake Wyman and Rutherford Park to the north of Palmetto Park are full of people using drugs, sleeping and using restrooms as their personal showers! The city and police know about the situation, but they are limited with resources and places to put the homeless. There are no shelters for them, and honestly the majority do not want help! The individuals have mental issues or drug and drinking problems. The United Methodist Church and Boca Helping Hands feeds the homeless and druggies. Where do you think they go with their meals….the city parks. I am a witness to this ongoing problem! My front yard is Lake Wyman Park. The homeless are taking over the park south of Palmetto Park Road too. My son fishes in this park and the homeless are always in Silver Palm Park. If anyone thinks the city is going to manage this new waterfront park, needs to open up your eyes and realize the city cannot handle the current issues in the parks. Wake up people and get involved! A waterfront homeless park is not the answer!!!!!


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