Thanks and a Warning!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Kudos to Boca Raton Federation of Homeowner Associations….

Let me begin by wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.   2015 promises to be fulfilling for our city, its residents and its future…..Yesterday’s Federation meeting confirms the very active citizenry, thirsting for information and willing to take time and energy to better preserve the lifestyle we, in Boca Raton, hold near and dear.

Kudos are especially extended to the Federation’s Chair and Board of Directors in accommodating BocaWatch’s request to present its educational platform for the benefits of the Federation’s members and guests.  By all accounts, the presentation was well received and provided an excellent opportunity to address questions circulating throughout the community.   Thank you for your steadfast decision to provide such an informative platform.

As explained in our presentation, BocaWatch’s purpose is to observe and report on critical changes making their way through the City’s processes.  Highlighting these activities at the earliest possible stages will give the general population a more timely moment to understand and comment.  Of particular import is the ability to mobilize citizens to items that may have dramatic impacts on their way of life at the earliest stage and before a project is up to the elected officials for a near final vote. 

So what is BocaWatch and how is it accountable to its audience….

BocaWatch is an issue-oriented Political Action Committee formed November, 2012 in compliance with Florida Statute 106.03 and in good standing with the State of Florida .    The political disclaimer announcing BocaWatch as a paid political advertisement appears on it’s website to fulfill a legal requirement applicable to all Political Action Committees.

BocaWatch is also obligated to disclose its contributor list to the Division of Elections for all to see.  Hence, BocaWatch is a truly transparent organization, not one that would hide behind a corporate veil.

As an issue-oriented Political Action Committee, BocaWatch does not endorse political candidates.  Its main purpose is to bring forward items that citizens have an interest in and, at times, take a position in support of or in opposition to said issue(s). 

BocaWatch is not required to be a Florida Corporation.  Such a PAC need only be recognized by the state as BocaWatch is so that its public record filings, including information on all contributors, are available at the Secretary of State, Division of Elections’ website.

Plagiarism, the greatest form of flattery….  

Something unusual has occurred with the BOCAWATCH name. 

On December 29th, 2014, an electronic filing was made to the Secretary of State, Division of Corporations establishing a Non Profit Corporation titled BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC.   Article III of BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC’s Articles of Incorporation establishes its specific purpose to be to “PROVIDE ACCURATE AND FREE INFORMATION ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY OF BOCA RATON GOVERNMENT AND VARIOUS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND MATTERS RELATED THERETO.”  A laudable purpose for sure. 

What is not laudable is that this corporation has not been formed by BOCAWATCH or me, its Chairman.  Provided here is a link to the Secretary of State, Division of Corporations’ website allowing you, the reader, to observe the particulars of this corporate filing and the person behind the BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC filing.   Click here to go to the BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC filing.

Neither the Board of BocaWatch PAC nor I, as its founder, object to efforts which bring the free flow of information to the citizens of Boca Raton.  What is objectionable is for anyone in the community to establish a non-profit corporation with the name, BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC, so similar to as to potentially cause public confusion. Any communications received from this entity should not be confused with communications from BOCAWATCH. From now on, all Bocawatch written communication will contain the phrase “established in 2012”. You can always check our web site,, or contact us if you receive information and are unsure if the information came from us or BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC or was organized to educate and inform Boca residents. The BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC filing seems designed to confuse the public. As we learn of BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC activities, we will post information on this website so that you, a Boca Citizen, can have more clarity about the motives behind the BOCAWATCH.ORG, INC filing.   

BocaWatch board members are available to present our platform to any group or HOA desiring to provide timely information designed to keep your residents and citizens informed about important issues facing our beloved City.

Thank you again and Happy New Year


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