Resident Responsible


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail

February 28, 2019 marked the 6th month anniversary of BocaWatch’s self-imposed sabbatical.

Today, March 1, 2019 marks BocaWatch’s reentry into the community discourse with its hard-hitting platform asking the difficult questions and revealing the false narratives rift within Boca Raton politics at both administrative and legislative levels along with a discerning eye on the relevant politics of south Palm Beach County, the Palm Beach County School Board, the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District and the State’s legislative process.

BocaWatch has been publishing since 2012.  After almost 7 years and three grueling elections cycles, one being a citizen referendum, fatigue, both mental and physical, prevailed.  Now with the passage of this six month sabbatical, it is time to reengage with the community to see what progress, if any, has been made by a newly reconstituted City Council, all of whom, in the recent past, had adopted the platform of being “Resident Friendly.”

“Resident Friendly” has become a mere cliche… now we aim to be “Resident Responsible.”

That is where you, the observing and concerned public are so important!!!

You, collectively, have been advocates for good governance; advocates with your writings, your concerns, your participation and your voices.

From that collective viewpoint, “Resident Friendly” has not moved the needle very far towards a ‘Resident Responsible’ performance.

That being said, your voices, BocaWatch’s voice, your voice, has been sorely missed.  I get this from many people in the community. Your agreeing to participate; to provide articles on topics of community interest, is very needed and much appreciated.

This week, I met with Jason Pelish.  Jason is enthusiastic about producing new content for YOU, readers of BocaWatch.  I have also met with Frank H. Chapman.  Frank has agree to come on board as the non-profit corporation’s Sec’y/Treasurer and General Counsel.

With these long time activists and residents and along with a cadre of interested community folks observing and writing articles, BocaWatch will publish on a new regular schedule, at least twice a month.  Deadlines for editorial materials are forthcoming.

To those of you following one or two topics of interest, you may submit articles again.  Your involvement will insure an abundance of editorial material. to keep the general public informed.  Articles will be published in their entirety but are limited to no more than 750 words.  Graphics and photos demonstrating the article’s content are welcomed and a production board will be provided for ease of uploading the materials to publish.  For urgent and time critical matters, BocaWatch will publish special issues with breaking news for public awareness.

As  indicated, I appreciate your participation in identifying topics of community import; topics that have been critical over the last few years but remain unresolved; topics that require a spotlight on them so the City Council and other involved political bodies can advise the public as to their status and activity; and, finally, topics that will objectively measure our elected officials’ advancement from a “Resident Friendly” slogan to “Resident Responsible” track record.

Thank you in advance for participating….

Al Zucaro
President and Publisher
Boca Watch-Official, Inc.

P.S.:  Articles for publication in upcoming BocaWatch issues need to be in hand a minimum of three days prior to the scheduled publication date.  With the CRA, the City Council, the School Board and the Beach and Park District all working on lingering on-going projects, there is an abundance of editorial materials.  Turning these items around for publishing will be the challenge.  AZ

Previous articleWho Is Your Boca Raton City Council Favorite?


  1. I agree with the council. Marijuana is just another entry drug and the dispensaries will become the same problem as the pill mills were not long ago. Florida became the go to state for all of the drug pushers in the rest of the states. Tis should be treated like any other drug, which are not dispensed by store front dispensaries, but by drug store.


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