Open invitation to all Candidates for March ’17 City Council Elections


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail

Good morning all,

On behalf of the Boca Raton resident, I extend a collective appreciation to each of you for placing yourselves into the public arena with your candidacy in the March 2017 City Council elections here in Boca Raton.

Public service is a high calling and a City Council member is the highest local elected representative of the resident; the highest calling in our local politics…..and, as we all know…all politics are local…..

BocaWatch is offering each of you access to its expanding audience the organization reaches on a weekly basis.

BocaWatch’s email database exceeds 15,000 and there are more than 19,000 followers on the BocaWatch-Official FaceBook page.  The weekly email blasts contain article of interest on topics directly related to resident issues throughout the city.  We are proud of the audience’s participation and interest in our information platform and weekly commentary.

BocaWatch is interested in publishing the announced platforms of all candidates seeking local elected office.  To this end, BocaWatch will provide unrestricted access to its readership for each of you to inform the resident of your principles and postures on the major issues concerning the electorate.

BocaWatch will monitor each of your campaign websites and your campaign materials for information to provide the interested elector.

BocaWatch commits to publishing any article provided by you beginning now and through the election cycle.

The March 14th municipal election is a mere 97 days from today.

The electorate needs to become aware of your platforms and policy directions.  To further advance this initiative, BocaWatch will be conducting a series of video interviews beginning in mid-January for airing on the site and throughout our expanding social media network.

We are scheduling video time for these interviews the week of January 16 – 20 for a continuous presence on the BocaWatch site throughout the local election cycle.

To schedule an interview time, you are encouraged to contact our video producer, Ms. Katie MacDougall at

BocaWatch will be publishing its final edition for 2016 after the City Council meeting of 12/13 and returning in January 2017, the beginning of our 4th year, with a new and expanded website presence and social media reach.   Please review the marketing opportunities now available to get your individual message to our readership.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this request and for any courtesies your campaign will extend….and please remember….


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  1. I am looking for insight into the positions of our mayor/city council members (current and candidates) relative to key issues such as where did they stand on the Intercoastal referendum and on the solar item and the exception to code items on the rampant overbuilding in the downtown area as well as expanding the boundaries of the city. I asked Scott Singer about these items at length but he seemed non committal on most of the items. I also perceive that Andrea o’Rourke is sympathetic to the views of Boca Watch. However the supporters of Emily Gentile raise a HUGE RED FLAG to me.


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