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This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Publisher’s Comment:

There is a hodge-podge of items to report on this week. Beginning with the Mayor’s predicted announcement that she is considering an election campaign for the County Commission seat being vacated by Commissioner Abrams….Surprise, surprise, surprise….NOT!!!   Followed by the almost immediate reaction by lobbyist Mark Guzzetta and others to correct the County’s Lobbyist Registry…. Finally, an announcement for an Open House exploring the Boca Raton Government Campus Master Plan.   Al Zucaro, Publisher

New News…..

Well!  That didn’t take long.  Less than four months ago during her campaign for reelection as Mayor of Boca Raton, Susan Haynie pledged during a debate that, if elected, she would serve her full term as Mayor.

That pledge was prompted by a direct assertion based upon well-founded rumors insisting that Ms. Haynie, if re-elected, would not serve out her full three (3) year term as Mayor because she was planning to seek election for the termed-out seat currently held by former Mayor Steven Abrams.

On Thursday June 8, the following was posted on the website

‘Boca Raton Mayor Susan Haynie appears close to launching a 2018 Republican campaign for the coastal District 4 seat of term-limited Palm Beach County Commissioner Steven Abrams.

“I am considering it and I will be making my decision shortly,” Haynie told PostOnPolitics. She later said “shortly” means within the next 30 to 60 days.’

Another quote from Ms. Haynie in the Boca Raton Tribune on February 15, 2017 appears to be laughable at this point: “My work on behalf of the residents of Boca Raton is not finished yet.” Good work Mayor!  Apparently, you accomplished your work in less than three months!

It is debatable whether or not this information would have impacted the recent mayoral campaign results had she been forthcoming with the truth of her intentions.  However, what is not questionable any longer is her lack of integrity.  Ms. Haynie, who has infamously conducted and been involved in numerous smear campaigns against her political opponents will now take her ‘win at all cost’ modus operandi to a broader electorate.

Hopefully, for the sake of constituents in District 4, Ms. Haynie’s quest for higher office will end in defeat.  The attributes of her character are not needed or desired in public service.

What comes next for politics in Boca Raton is now in question.  Two sitting Councilmembers are up for reelection in March of 2018 and the Mayor’s seat may now be in play in November.  Win or lose, Mayor Haynie will have to resign her office mid-term.  The City Charter then dictates a special election will take place to fulfill her remaining term….Political consultants and the printing industry are licking their collective chops.

Speaking about political consultants/lobbyists….

BocaWatch’s article last week on the County’s lobbyist registration for Mark Guzzetta, ‘Lobbyist Extraordinaire’, has resulted in an almost immediate response.  Attached below is the backup documentation now found on the Palm Beach County Lobbyist Registry.  Effective May 25, 2017 (clearly backdated), Mark Guzzetta is now listed as a lobbyist for the law firm of Sachs, Sax, and Caplan.  Mr. Guzzetta’s principal at the Sachs Sax and Caplan firm is Attorney Michael Weiner; a leading land use attorney often seen at the Boca Raton City Council on behalf of the firm’s land owner client(s).

Lobbyist Registry

Further changes to Mr. Guzzetta’s lobbyist status are as follows:

  • Effective June 2, 2017, Mr. Guzzetta withdrew as a lobbyist for the law firms of Dunay, Miskel and Backman, LLP and Gray Robinson;
  • Effective June 10, 2017, Mr. Guzzetta is now registered as a lobbyist for Crocker Partners, Inc. with Angelo Bianca listed as the company’s principal for this listing.

At the very least, there is now a bit more transparency as to whom Mr. Guzzetta represents.  With this transparency, accountability follows.  No longer is he listed in the general manner of representing the law firm without disclosure to which client of that law firm he is working. Elected officials are now clearly on notice as to the actual client benefitting by Mr. Guzzetta’s lobbying activities.  That is a good thing!

Time and Date announcements:

Last week’s ‘Attention Residents’ article announced that the ‘strategic planning’ session would take place at the end of Monday’s Council workshop.  This was apparently in error.  That session is taking place on Tuesday at 2:00 P.M. before the City Council.  Thanks are extended to Council member Andrea O’Rourke for this correction….

Government Campus Master Plan Open House announced….Song and Associates, Inc., the City’s outside consultant, will host a public open house to share ideas for the Campus Master Plan and seek input from residents in this regard.  The open house will provide an opportunity for the public to share ideas and make suggestions/comments regarding the current and future design of the City’s central municipal campus.  For additional information click the following link:   Thanks to Tom Sawyer, Only Boca Raton Politics for posting this information.

Al Zucaro, Publisher


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  1. Abrams hasn’t been the best commissioner but after seeing what Haynie has been doing with Boca Raton, I sure hope a solid challenger appears so Haynie is out of local government for good. In order to turn the sinking county ship around before they sell off all the Ag Reserve land, we need commissioners with vision and Haynie doesn’t show that at all. She would be in lockstep with the others.

  2. pledge
    a solemn promise or undertaking.
    “the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution”
    synonyms: promise, undertaking, vow, word, word of honor, commitment, assurance, oath, guarantee
    “his election pledge”


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