June 12th City Council Agenda Raises Ethics Issues


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

This City Council Meeting has items on the Agenda of significant public interest with regards to ethics and potential conflicts of interest.  Items worthy of mention are:

1) Item 9  (K) (2): Special meeting of the Executive Employee Retirement Plan Board of Trustees. This meeting took place in January and was chaired by Deputy City Manager George Brown with Lief Ahnell, the City Manager, as a board member.

  • Is this like the proverbial fox watching the chicken coop?
  • Isn’t this pension fund for the top level executives in Boca Raton’s City Government?
  • Aren’t George Brown and Lief Arnell top level Executive Employees benefiting from this plan?

Go figure!

2) Item 12 A: Ordinance No. 5458; this is item is of special concern.

On its face it is merely an extension of time for the Purchase and Sale of the municipal golf course to GL Homes. What makes this special is the persistent rumors of undisclosed relationships between Acting Mayor Scott Singer and representatives of GL Homes.

  • Singer’s campaign consultant is Todd Richardson.
  • Todd Richardson is rumored to be an unregistered lobbyist for GL Homes.
  • Also, Attorney Neil Schiller, GL Homes’ registered lobbyist, is an ardent political supporter of Scott Singer and is rumored to have recently hosted a fund raising event  for Singer’s re-election campaign.
  • At no time during this year long negotiation for the sale of the municipal golf course has Mr. Singer publicly disclose such relationships; relationships which if true are certainly worthy of disclosure and may even require Mr. Singer’s recusal from participating in this important matter; a matter that has resulted in significant financial impacts for GL Homes.  Shades of an ethic complaint, aka Susan Haynie?

Better late than never….Mr. Singer must publicly address these rumors and, if the rumors are factual, recuse himself from this matter while seeking guidance from the Palm Beach County Ethics Commission regarding his continuing participation.

Stay Tuned and Stay Informed… Remember your vote is your voice, let your voice be heard in the Special Election on August 28th!!!

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  1. please let us know asap what the singer statements are in reference to this article. will he be making any relationship with this issue public?

  2. As expected, Acting Mayor Singer did not address the relationship rumors and his connection to GL Homes….non of the other Council members raised the issue. What is even worse is that the City Council gave the City Attorney a pass and a positive review overlooking her inappropriate actions and contributions to the Susan Haynie situation. More on this later. AZ


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