Eureka! Progress at the Wildflower Site


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Open Inquiry to the City Council….

After nearly 9 years of inactivity, we, the residents, appreciate the activity taking place on the Wildflower site; activities in response to the overwhelming petition results and, now, graciously supported by some members of the Council.

Below is a picture editorial reflecting the work taking place on the site.








What we, the residents, need now is an update on the City’s future plans for the Wildflower site.

Some of the questions we have are:

  1. Will the site be opened for the December 17 Boat Parade viewing and if so, will it be left open?
  2. Will the site be upgraded to a passive park while the waterfront study is being developed and implemented?
  3. If the plan is to upgrade to a passive park, when will the plans be available for public viewing and what is the schedule for the upgrade?
  4. Will the future land use designation and zoning for the site be changed to reflect a recreation use instead of the current commercial use?
  5. What is the schedule for the waterfront study?

We eagerly await your collective response….

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  1. There is NO ONE Happier than ME!

    I lived in the originally named Boca Villas (now referred to as “Golden Triangle”) neighborhood for over 55 yrs.

    Think about how many VACANT intra-coastal properties there are in Palm Beach county located NEXT to a bridge that are accessible to the residents?
    The Wildflower property belongs to the residents of Boca Raton for ALL to enjoy.

    It only took one picture and a bunch of FABULOUS residents to make it happen!~!~

  2. Hooray!!!! Re the wildflower victory
    A passive park would best suit it as it would allow more use by flora and fauna
    A park is not enhanced by wave runners , souped up trucks and cigarette boats.

    Now let’s STOP THE GREED ON OUR BEACH and zap the 2500 project! THE WANTS of a privileged few must stop taking priority over the needs and welfare of the

    Also how do we get a resident initiative started to legally plant trees along our streets??? Boca has ignored areas sandwiched between Federal and Dixie and along Dixie north of 20th street for too long!!
    Any advice?

    • Contact Kathy Maxwell- – 561-393-7743 at the City. She is the liaison for the Beautification Committee that meets monthly. It would be best to check with that committee at their next meeting. They would be best informed as to how to go about reaching that goal.

  3. What about the park on Ocean just before Spanish River. It blows my mind that this beautiful area that the city pays to keep manicured, is closed off to the public because apparently “no one has asked for it to be opened”. How on earth can they justify maintaining a public area but closing off access?

  4. The park on the other side of the bridge is only used by a few residents BECAUSE it’s such a passive park. Making another one on the north side is a bad idea. The Wildflower needs to be a dynamic, iconic park known throughout the state for its multiple unique attractions.

    • Hi Michael, Silver Palm Park is a boat ramp and is not that safe for kids to play in or pleasant for adults to hang-out in. Agree with the need for Wildflower being a dynamic, iconic park with multiple unique activities. But it will take the City a long time to plan and implement this, so we’re calling for the passive park as a short term measure to allow citizens to start using the park as soon as possible. Make sense?


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