BocaWatch Satire: Midtown is Coming….Beware


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Image created by Jessica Gray

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  1. Watch out residents and workers in Mid-Town, pay attention? If the Chamber of Commerce and development community have their way, they will overbuild and destroy your quality of life. For these two elements in our city, their greed and selfish destruction of your home, travel to work and daily frustration – it’s just business as usual. Your current Mayor and most on your City Council will grease the skids for them.

  2. I have Lived in Boca Del Mar since 1978… I have seen the Lovely Small Town Of Boca Raton Developed into a City of mismatched ideas not for 36 yrs. because at that time Boca Raton had standards and the City listened and stood behind the people.. I Start with Mizner Park that ended up putting the Small Business Person out of business since the merchants were outside of Minzner Park. The original plans were changed from what the people viewed as what was to be to what we now know as Mizner Park. Took many years to bring back Small Business… No one read the gray area where the Developer who is very well known could revise the plans and did so after the original plans were revised…. Today we have buildings over the original zoning height, gracing the once small town skyline that use to be banned… What do you really see today??? Dollar Signs and not for the interest of the people who live in the Small Lost City Of Boca Raton, Florida …. I believe in growth but something did get side tracked and now the people have to live with what their City did because elections put others in control … Try voting out people in the town’s next election . Go ahead and sue but voting has the best effect !!! 2016 was the year of change for us here in the good old U.S.A that sent shock waves to a town called Washington D.C, that never thought things would change!!!! Vote and keep an eye on your Chamber of Commerce they work hand in hand!


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