Boca Resident Joe Panella Files to Run for City Council


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Dear Friends and Residents of Boca Raton,

On August 3rd, I filed the candidate paperwork to run for our City Council, Seat B, currently occupied by Mike Mullaugh, who is term limited. Our next election is March of 2017, so I will have plenty of time to talk with as many residents, groups, and organizations as possible to expand my understanding of current issues and to learn what is on your mind.

Many of you know me, but for those of you who do not, here is some introductory information:

  • Resident of the Boca Raton area for 43 years (I’ve seen a lot of changes!)
  • Married to Jutta for 25 years and the father of 21 year old Melissa (currently a proud Seminole senior at FSU!), who we raised in our Palm Beach Farms home of 22 years.
  • FAU alumni (1984) – Graduated, with honors, as a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, after working my way through college as a residential building contractor.
  • Locally employed for 12 years at IBM (in the heyday of the PC), 19 years at AT&T, and currently with a Silicon Valley software startup.
  • Proudly served, over the years, on various city advisory boards, including multiple terms on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Downtown Advisory Committee (as member and chair) and the Business Improvement District Steering Committee.
  • Served as an officer in the Palm Beach Farms Neighborhood Association, and currently serving on the Executive Committee of the Federation of Boca Raton Homeowners Associations, where many of you are members.

These are just some highlights. I look forward to meeting with you and answering any questions you may have!

So what’s next?

I think we would all agree that we live in a wonderful town, with a lot of really great things going on. However, there are a number of issues that need attention, and I would like to contribute my time and talents to helping resolve them. Examples are:

  • Parking in the Downtown
  • Traffic in the Downtown and at other critical intersections
  • Economic development
  • Development guidelines, city-wide
  • Improving the engagement between residents, developers, and city officials
  • Transportation (All Aboard Florida, Ride sharing)
  • A comprehensive strategy for our Waterfront (including Wildflower)
  • City engagement with the Airport Authority and with the Beach and Parks District
  • Annexation, a recurring theme
  • Possibly revisiting a city/county project at Lake Wyman

I am familiar with many of these issues, less so with others, so the most important thing I can do is learn what is on your mind. To that end, please feel free to email me at, and I would be thrilled to reach out and connect with you or your group.

That’s it for now. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for your support!

Sincere Regards,

Joe Panella

Footnote: Even though this is a simple blog entry, I have been advised to include the following: Political advertisement paid for and approved by Joe Panella for Boca Raton City Council, Seat B
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