Beach Cleanups


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Last month Boca Save our Beaches received a large donation of beach cleanup supplies to be used during events in Boca Raton.

As you are aware, when hurricanes roll though, the ocean gets stirred up – washing to shore things lost or deliberately placed in the waters. When hurricane Irma hit, volunteers from Boca Save our Beaches were ready to jump in and start with the clean-up effort on our beautiful beaches. Using pick-up sticks donated by Unger Cleaning Supplies (  and buckets provided by UST Brands (, volunteers were able to quickly jump into action. Items found range from fragments of plastic to large tires. Boca Save our Beaches, collapsible trash buckets were filled up within minutes.

Where are these tires coming from, you may ask. In the 1970’s, 2 MILLION tires were chained together and dumped into the ocean, known as Osborne Reef in Fort Lauderdale. The goal from Broward Artificial Reef Inc. (BARINC) was to lure marine life game fish into the area while disposing of used tires.  Since, chains once holding these tires together, have rusted and oceans have shifted, scattering tires across Southeast Florida coasts. With a powerful storm like Irma churning up the water, tires now litter our beaches. To read more on this environmental disaster, visit If you come across a tire, please pull it up to the dune, so that it does not work its way back out to sea. Notify, and Boca Save our Beaches will arrange for removal of the tire.

Boca Save our Beaches will soon be partnering with Oceanside Beach Services to provide cleaning supplies directly on the beach, more details to come! Restoring the beaches will take the effort of everyone in the community. Remember, to leave it better than you found it!

Check out Unger at

Check out UST Brands at


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