Patch Reef Park: Please Take Our Poll About The Plans To Commercialize It


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Is Rafael Nadal ENTITLED to almost half the land in YOUR Patch Reef Park?

Take our poll – let’s hear your opinion!

This BocaWatch poll is for Boca Raton residents only.

Please ask your friends and family in Boca Raton to take this poll too.
We need everyone’s opinion.

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  1. Need more information before voting. Would the facility be significantly bigger than the current one, i.e. would it take land from surrounding park? What benefits, if any, does it offer the public, example cost-efficient access to world class coaches and facilities? Would I pay a similar price to rent a court or would the prices go up a lot? Unless we have some of these questions answered it’s hard to say whether it’s a good idea or not.


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