Congratulations and Kudos Councilman Rodgers!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Dear Deputy Mayor Rodgers,

Congratulations on your recent reelection to Boca Raton City Council. Kudos to you for running a ‘clean’ campaign against your opponent. Many of the voters we have spoken with post-election, were surprised by your narrow margin of victory (ten percent) over an opponent that was virtually unknown. Perhaps even you share in that same surprise as to the outcome?

Promises Matter and Council Member Votes Count

There’s a substantial list of issues that arose over time that created an anti-Rodgers sentiment during this election. As the saying goes “Don’t shoot the messenger”. Consider this:

  • You have consistently voted against Police/Fire Rescue pension benefits which resulted in creating a small army of non-supporters.
  • You wavered after indicating support to a group of dedicated residents wishing to preserve invaluable greenspace and waterfront property and chose to support commercialization of the waterfront. As a result, you disappointed a group of former supporters who lost faith in you.
  • When University Village came forward to request increased density, a large and well-organized group of residents came forward to object to the increase. You voted in favor of the increase, alienating an entire neighborhood in the area.
  • You created a formal Resolution to ‘Keep Golf in Boca’. However, through the process of the sale of the ‘Muni’ course and purchase of Ocean Breeze, your NO votes alienated and motivated a large group of voters against you in the Boca Teeca area. Further, you never exhibited leadership to offer solutions to your concerns.
  • The decision to place your campaign signs on the property of the largest commercial landowner in Boca Raton worked against you.
  • The appearance of running as a ticket with unpopular candidate Armand Grossman worked against you.

Make no mistake, the consequence of all this was a large number of disappointed residents voting for self-described “newbie” Kim Do. There’s little debate to be had on these findings. It is what it is.

You have claimed repeatedly that you are a resident friendly servant to the city. The label of “resident friendly” is earned not demanded. It comes by choices, votes, actions and impacts on the community. And as evidenced by the 6,138 votes earned by Monica Mayotte and 4,207 earned by Kim Do, the label cannot be self-ascribed by candidates. The fact that a blank slate candidate came so close to the incumbent in votes is really the only fact required to hammer home this point: People are disappointed.

Something that’s hard for residents to ignore is your silence on the Mayor’s ethics challenge when brought forward by a fellow councilmember. As the Deputy Mayor, it was a moment to be seized but you treated this major issue as ‘not my job’. You later supported the Mayor in her candidacy for County Commission while these same ethics issues remain unresolved. This is troubling to many.

Our Thoughts at BocaWatch

Since its very beginnings, BocaWatch has attempted to be a voice of the residents. It has been transparent in seeking to support those candidates we deem as resident friendly. Further, we support and promote open, fair government and encourage the foundation of responsible and sustainable growth for the future of our great city.

Our reasons for pointing out why so many voted against you aren’t to criticize decisions we know you put the best of your understanding behind. Rather, we hope to be a public mouthpiece for resident sentiment. We look forward to your next three years of service to our city because now you are free to vote according to nothing more than what you believe is right. You are now officially a ‘lame duck’. You are term limited and therefore beholden to no one. You serve but one master – your conscience as it relates to what is best for Boca Raton and ALL of its residents.

It is our hope, Mr. Rodgers, that you heard the voices of the residents that we know have told you loud and clear during your campaign that their greatest concerns are; overdevelopment, traffic, school safety, school overcrowding, downtown parking, preservation of open space and green space.

Just as we give residents their voice, we hope that you’ll collaborate with us. Use us to measure sentiment and get your resident friendly message across here. Boca Raton residents need you to be excellent. Once again: Congratulations!



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  1. Excellent letter to a would be leader? Keep up the good work you are to be admired for speaking out on our behalf when necesssry.

  2. This is what happened with Jeremy. About 4 years ago he was courted by the special interests as in rich developers and lawyers in the area where he lived. They started inviting him and his family to events and kept telling he has a future in politics and even if he left IBM a great future with all the connections they had. They spun a web around him. Xmas and New Years parties. The chamber with Troy leading the way brought him into their inner circle . Flowers, birthday cards and parties and now they sprung the trap. Jeremy you need to vote this way or that. Subtle at first . Same thing happened to Susan over a 10 year period. Remember the movie THE GOODFELLAS how the mob spun a web and you can’t get out. Jeremy was spun. He lied to us 3 years ago. The trust is totally gone. He says one thing and does the opposite. He like Susan will never be respected . Susan has zero chance of replacing Steve Abrams. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. What a shame he started out as a nice kid. When you dance with wolves you become one.

  3. Well said, Jack McWalter! And the final nail in the coffin was the ‘no’ vote on Ocean Breeze. The voters in the Boca Teeca plat will not forget.

  4. Jack, as a wildlife photographer, I love wolves…bad example :). I’m outside the City Limits but I’m guessing not all the residents even voted. Without a voice, there is no change! Bocawatch can do just so much. It’s up to all the residents to get out to vote wisely and get involved. As I tell pet parents, if a dog food manufacturer isn’t willing to give you answers, move along to another company – “vote with your wallet” – there’s plenty of other manufacturers you can spend your money on to keep your pet safe. In politics, “vote with your brain & heart”…..we already know whose behind the “wallets”.

    Best of luck Deputy Mayor Rodgers.


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