For your Viewing Pleasure: The 2017 Beach and Boating Bash Video is Up!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Publisher’s Comment:
The Boating and Beach Bash…..a one of a kind event, perhaps the largest event of its kind in the entire United States and right here in Boca Raton. Jay and Lowell Van Vechten are completed dedicated to this yearly event. This year’s Bash, by far the most spectacular to date, is captured here in a 5 minute video; a compelling video telling the story of compassion and love second to none. Thank you Jay and Lowell and all those that made this day possible. Kudos and congratulations!
Al Zucaro

Making Their Day: Thousands Treated to a Day of Fun & Sun!

Wow what a day!!!!  Congratulations Jay and Lowell….Now finished with its 9th year, the Boating and Beach Bash reached heights never reached before.  Some 5,000 people participated throughout the course of the day.  BocaWatch participated in this extravaganza by floating, for the first time, the BocaWatch Minnow, our dedicated pontoon vessel for rest and relaxation.  During the course of the day and under the careful eye of ‘Captain’ Rick, dozens of attendees were treated to a wonderful water experience.

In some cases, the attendees had never been on a boat before or had the experience to ’sail’ on the Intracoastal Waterway, an event we, more fortunate, take for granted. Presented below is  a pictorial display of the ‘Boating and Beach Bash’ held on Saturday at the Spanish River Park and Marina.  Regardless of political and human differences, to have participated in this experience and to have shared the overall joy of the many we encountered, I, for one, am so very proud of the organizers and sponsors for this, the largest and most successful event of its kind, to allow Boca Raton to be part of their success incredible success….Congratulations!

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