One Issue Down, Another One to Go


As of Tuesday, November 8th the Boca Raton Ballot Question, formerly known as Ordinance 5356, has passed, protecting waterfront land adjacent to the Intracoastal. The next fight; protecting beach parcels in the City of Boca Raton.

2500 N. Ocean Blvd, known as a critically eroded beach, has been granted permission by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to proceed with construction. “This property falls within the federally authorized Boca Raton Shore Protection Project which began in 1988 and is authorized until 2038,” according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  So how and why is 2500 going to be developed? One may ask.  First, you can thank your current City Council members for this. Without their approval of variances in 2015 on the parcel– we would not be in this situation.


This month it was announced that the Florida Environmental Protection Agency gave their approval for construction to commence at 2500, which lies on the east side of A1A.  Next, the City of Boca Raton’s Environmental team will make their assessment on the property, and present their opinion to the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council. The Planning and Zoning Board will also provide their recommendations for the property to City Council. Lastly, the City Council will decide whether to approve the final variance for building on the coastal construction line.  When that approval is made, the building permits will be granted.

When that occurs, coming to Boca will be a monstrosity of a single family home plopped right on top of, what are now, protected sand dunes. Danger to marine life is expected, and with the construction 2500 will set an unwelcome precedent for development along our coast.

Write your City Council opposing this development. Once 2500 breaks ground, we guarantee other beach destruction will follow. Stay tuned to BocaWatch for the next steps in stopping development on our beaches. The decision lies within your City’s hands.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Contact your local officials now!

Susan Haynie –
Mike Mullaugh –
Robert Weinroth –
Scott Singer –
Jeremy Rodgers –

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  1. Mr. Weinroth commented at a community meeting that he would not vot for any construction East of the median coastal line. Maybe he should be reminded of his promise.

  2. I contacted our mayor on this issue and her answer was: “Hendrik, Thank you for your email. The City Council granted a variance on the width of the lot. Nothing can be constructed unless the City Council grants a Coastal Construction Control Line variance which will be difficult to achieve”. As an architect i understand the city council has to approve or disaprove the variance they are asking for (lot width). let’s wait and see when the Coastal Construction Control Line issue comes up.


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