What’s the best Boca Raton BBQ in 2012?

You can buy Tom's online
All you out-of-towners can still get Tom's at this website that sells moss too

A long time ago there was a phenomenon in Boca Raton called Tom’s Ribs. It sat on the southeast corner of Glades and Dixie. When the smoke was pouring from the chimney at the top it was hard to drive by without going crazy from the amazing smell of the BBQ pit. Since Tom’s left that location it relocated to North Federal Highway, just south of the Delray Line.

I miss Tom’s. This morning I finally put two and two together and realized that my new office is only a block away from the old location of Tom’s. That explains why I’ve been nostalgically reminiscing about it since we moved in here. I sure wish Tom’s was still here.


So what local BBQ place holds Boca’s crown? Which is the best in your opinion? Please share your opinion below.



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  1. I very fondly remember Tom’s Ribs in both locations! I can’t find anything in Boca that comes close. Smokey Bones is ok, but its not “soul food” like Tom’s was. I guess Mississippi Sweets would be the next contender?


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