TRAFFIC: It’s a Topic in Many Conversations


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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As more and more people pour into our area there is no question about it…Boca Raton traffic is a Hot Topic!


To stay ‘in the know’ of the latest traffic news there are two important items to check out.


• A $50,000 traffic study has been ordered by the City of Boca Raton for the intersection of 5th Ave and E. Palmetto Park Rd (just west of the Wildflower property).  A community workshop was held as part of the study and traffic is being calculated at this time.  A conclusion and recommendations are due soon. A comprehensive list of residents input, prepared by the city,  is included in this link.  Update on 5th Ave & Palmetto Pk Rd study


• City of Boca Raton head traffic engineer, Doug Hess has prepared a presentation about the current and future traffic in our area.  To see presentation click this link…Boca Raton Traffic and Roadways Update




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  1. I know I keep repeating myself when it comes to traffic issues in our city but if we don’t have an understanding of what our code adopted level of services standards (LOS) for traffic in our city, we will never understand why city council is compelled to approve development that meets the city’s LOS criteria. If you want to be informed so you can make a rational argument when projects come forward that are traffic intensive, get educated about the adopted LOS for traffic in our city. .

  2. They need to figure out what to do about Camino Real /Dixie/Federal Highway nightmare that the city has created BEFORE the monstrosity at Camino and Federal is even complete. It’s crazy and the city’s solution seems to be shortening the timing on the turning signals. Only 3 to 4 cars can turn before it is red again. Incredibly frustrating.


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