Sexism and Misogynistic Comments at the Candidate Debate Inappropriate


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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It’s happening in our beautiful town along with other towns in our nation. Inappropriate behavior and remarks become part of the accepted norm.

The purpose of the debate on Thursday, 2/8 was to meet the candidates and hear what their views are on city issues and their ideas for possible solutions.

Inappropriate comments/actions
Anxiety and stress was evident with some candidates. When the first question was asked of Ms. Kim Do, candidate for Seat C, she did not know whether to stand or sit when using the microphone. Mr. Folden could have put her at ease but chose to say how short she is which surprised her and took her off point for her answer.

Two other observations. Folden asked how many City Council, CRA & P&Z meetings candidates had attended. Clearly current council member Rodgers would walk away with the winning answer. Also, why did Folden come over to Jeremy Rodgers during the debate and whisper something in his ear? Inappropriate!

Then there was the comment about “We’re running short on time, so we won’t be having the swimsuit competition.” Really?! One wonders if he has had his head in the sand this past year! He said it to insult the two women candidates. We doubt this comment would be made if there were all male candidates on stage. The two women have better and more diverse education with professional credentials for the position they are seeking than their male opponents.

In closing the debate, Folden used a repeated, weak joke about not “sexting” and driving. Really?! Please, give up the attempt at humor. Professionalism by the moderator was not demonstrated by the observations indicated above.

The Federation of Boca Raton Homeowners Association needs to get its act together. Debates are to be a learning forum, professionally moderated.

Career, professional women in Boca Raton

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Next articlePolitical Newcomer to Boca Raton, Kim Do; She Could ‘Do’ Good for You….Worth a Look


  1. This is beyond ridiculous! There’s no question Gene would have made that (very common!!) joke if everyone were men. The joke being made, it doesn’t in any way insult the women! Who knows what’s going through your mind. It sounds like you’re the one insulting the ladies. Interesting you’d make this ludicrous argument without using your real name—I’m skeptical you’re even a women, let alone working age.

  2. That is terrible! Even though I am a Rodgers supporter I think Kim Do deserves to be treated with respect, as all candidates should.


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