Residents Stand Together to Save Our Beaches


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Residents came together on Sunday, March 6th to challenge the decision of Boca Raton’s City Officials in retrospect to 2500 N. Ocean Blvd. Boca Save our Beaches gained an abundance of exposure from the community who joined us hand-in-hand to protect one of the last natural, oceanfront areas.


A propeller plane flew around the site of 2500 N. Ocean trailing a banner that read, “TELL BOCA MAYOR NO HOUSES ON OUR BEACH SAND!” Volunteers set petition booths on both sides of A1A, urging bikers and runners to stop and take part in our demonstration, securing over 2000 signatures to date. Beach access was provided to participants courtesy of The Ocean Club after a symbolic hands across the sand photo. March 6th was a great success, and most importantly we had a blast meeting our community neighbors.


Boca SOB is encouraging the City Council Members of Boca Raton to think about the rare territory of 2500 N. Ocean which provides a home for countless plant and animals who have already faced near total habitat loss. We are here to preserve the only portion of natural beach left in Boca.


Awareness is our number one goal at Boca Save our Beaches, and with enough voices in the community, we can urge the City to stop this. We are here to protect our beach, our animals and our City. Look around you. Isn’t it enough?

Video From WPEC Channel 12 News Report…

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    What should have happened with regard to the Council’s actions on 2500 N Ocean is for them to have supported the ZBOA’s decision – “No variance” for the applicant for a home on the property. For over 40 years, our city and its various administrations have worked diligently – NO CONSTRUCTION ON THE DUNE”. They had established a time honored precedent and the owner of the property should have been aware when he bought it Caveat Emptor

    The City Council was told by the owner’s attorney, Charlie Siemon of Gray Robinson, that the applicant would sue!!!!!. So what. The best the applicant could hope for is being reimbursed for his purchase with maybe a small increment for a profit. No, not our Council. Now they want to spend many, many more millions of your tax dollars buying up adjacent land having seen the public outcry. And, now owners of adjacent properties want their right to build on what, up to now, was a NO BUILD AREA. A perfect example of our current Council’s lame decisions.

    This is just my opinion but I think Gray Robinson and Charlie Siemon and other developers are so close to the Council it is hard to tell them apart. They consistently work together to “take” from the public and in this case, a treasure important to our citizens. This cozy relationship is designed to intimidate our Council who should stand fast and protect the public not obligate them to some amount of your tax dollars (add your own number) This a perfect example of feckless government. In a 2015 letter Charlie wrote that he had their back that now is the time for them to have his, right in his back pocket, I assume.

  2. A wonderful start to your campaign to save the natural habitat in your area! Congratulations and best withes in your struggle!

    Barbara Sarmento, CT


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