Pants on Fire


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Publisher’s Comment:  Once upon a time in the recent past, Acting Mayor Scott Singer contacted BocaWatch’s new Editor, Jason Pelish, to congratulate him on his new role. During that conversation Mr. Singer informed our Editor that some items reported by BocaWatch were factual untruths and distortions of his record; that BocaWatch and its publisher lie.  In response, our Editor said that BocaWatch would print a retraction and correct the record for any reported factual assertion identified to be untrue. To date, Mr. Singer has failed to respond to this invitation; an invitation now over three months old.

Jack McWalter’s video commentary this week reports that Mr. Singer, in a recent campaign mailer, is again accusing BocaWatch of lies.  Again, BocaWatch invites Mr. Singer to submit any factual untruths, and if, as he claims, there are lies, BocaWatch will publish a retraction to correct the record.  Again, however, Mr. Singer, in his most recent campaign literature, demonstrates a faulty recollection of the facts. Two (2) weeks ago, BocaWatch published an accurate report of Mr. Singer’s voting history; a history demonstrating his ‘developer friendly’ four (4) year voting record; a history demonstrating his seeking out and accepting campaign funds from the very developers whose approvals he has been voting on; and, finally, as reported in this week’s article by Jim Wood, demonstrating an analysis of Mr. Singer’s campaign literature claims measured against the official records obtained from the City Clerk’s office.  You the reader are invited to read these articles and view the video commentary to make your own assessments as to what belongs in the truth column opposed to what merits the ‘Liar Liar Pants on Fire’ designation.

Al Zucaro
Publisher, BocaWatch

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  1. Cheap shot….are we going down the same path Anthony Maghess did where the former council bad-mouthed him?

    Play nice….*


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