November 2020 Election Poll – Local & National Candidates


Who are you voting for in the upcoming November election?

So far all of’s political polls have been dead-on-the-money. The results of our polls have matched who has gotten elected, without fail, for every election we’ve polled for. Will it be the same this time?

Local news sources don’t like when does polls. The suspicion is that they prefer to influence elections with their fingers on the scale, capitalizing on “the bandwagon effect”. Let’s show them that Boca Raton isn’t going to be influenced by their nonsense with this non-weighed, non-adjusted poll*.

*’s Publisher, Jason Pelish, reserves the right to remove multiple votes cast in a duplicitous manner using objective, non-biased online forensics

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  1. The proof is in the pudding Ian. People like you prefer to have your finger on the scale to feel connected and empowered. I prefer to keep my finger off the scale and let my neighbors have their fair say. Remember this poll from 2 years ago? That was an important race. Unlike Sun-Sentinel and Palm Beach Post, 4boca’s poll nailed it! 6 out of 6 correct! National news broadcasters and publishers don’t seem to be so committed to the truth, do they?


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