BocaWatch Satire: How Will We Handle This?


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Pro-Developer vs Pro-Resident ethics.

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  1. I have friends over 25 years enrolled in the high density, irresponsible over development of our downtown. They are also enrolled in the rapid irresponsible growth of our mid city. Most don’t even live here. They have businesses here and depend on their relationships with the powers that be, so they endorse and or promote this unsustainable development to grow their business. I simply can’t be a part of it again. Back in the day it was great. The Comprehensive Plan was respected and the Mizner-Esque design, buildings big or small complied to that code/plan. It’s a different city with rules altered to allow whatever the big Bucks want, with no concideration of the residents they impact.

    We show up at council meetings. We are vocal. We voted and are now being sued to overturn our vote.

    Pretty sad. So many of the folks that were dear friends are profiting from the Ft. lauderdale-isation of our once beautiful city. Without a clue of the impact to those of us that are actually impacted by the poor planning.


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