Boca Raton Election Candidate Voting Records


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Prior to the municipal election on March 14 we thought it would be useful to provide the City Council meeting voting records of the two incumbent candidates – Mayor Susan Haynie and Councilman Scott Singer. This information can be used for fact checking campaign promises as well as an indicator of future voting tendencies.

The voting information summarized in this article was obtained from the Boca Raton City Clerk for the regular city council meetings. Two formats were provided. One is in Excel spreadsheet format and has voting records from 1995 until the end of 2015. The other format is scanned copies of the voting scoresheets from the city council meetings. We have voting records in this format from 2000 until the first meeting in 2017. Attachment 1 is an example of this format. Note that the voting information provided by the City Clerk is the only information used in our analysis and includes all votes cast at the meetings.

Following is Mayor Susan Haynie’s voting record from April, 2000 until January 10, 2017. Since there are only 41 “No” votes and two recuses, it is rather easy to analyze her voting patterns. Since over-development is a big concern of residents, it is interesting to look at her voting pattern regarding development. For large development projects she cast only one “No” vote in 17 years to limit the size of a building in the downtown. That building is Tower 155, which is now being built behind the downtown post office.

Her “No” vote on Tower 155 was against Ordinance 5289, which reduced the minimum parcel size from 2.0 acres to 1.2 acres for a building that can reach 160’. Tower 155’s parcel size is 1.25 acres, so the vote indirectly was to enable Tower 155’s development. The voting record for January 13, 2015 includes Ordinance 5289 and is in Attachment 1. Note that the order of voting rotates after each item is voted on and when it came time to vote on Ordinance 5289, Mayor Haynie voted last after the ordinance had already been approved by three city council members. Her “No” vote meant nothing.

Mayor Susan Haynie’s Voting Record

Following is Councilman Scott Singer’s voting record from April, 2000 until January 10, 2017. His voting record regarding over-development differs from Mayor Haynie’s in that he voted against the huge University Village project on Spanish River Blvd, but as shown in Attachment 1, he voted for the Tower 155 development. He also voted, along with Mayor Haynie, to enable a residence to be built on the east side of North Ocean Blvd. He sided with the residents by voting against zoning the entire Wildflower parcel commercial and also voted to adopt Ordinance 5356 rather than send it to a referendum on the November 8th election. Ordinance 5356 was the question for Boca Raton voters on that election ballot.

Councilman Scott Singer’s Voting Record

In summary the only major development project Mayor Haynie voted against in 17 years was Tower 155 and by the time she voted that night it was already approved. She also voted against the residents regarding the initiative petition to preserve city-owned lands along the Intracoastal Waterway for recreation. Councilman Singer’s voting, on the other hand, displayed a more resident-friendly attitude toward over-development and the initiative petition. But he also voted to enable developments that will place permanent scars on the city and add to traffic and parking woes without a solution.

Attachment 1 – Scanned City Council Voting Scoresheet

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  1. The article says Mayor Haynie Voted NO (aka AGAINST adoption of ordinance 5289 that would allow Tower 155 to build higher than is allowed for its sized lot). What is meant then, in the article, when it says “so the vote indirectly was to enable Tower 155’s development”?

    • Sorry for the confusion Les. Ordinance 5289 changed the City code to allow a downtown building to be built to 160′ on a lot size of 1.2 acres or greater. Prior to this change, the minimum lot size for a 160′ building was 2.0 acres. The Tower 155 lot size is 1.25 acres, so under the original code the building could not be 160′. After Ordinance 5289 passed, Tower 155 could be built to 160′ because it’s lot size is .05 acre greater than the 1.2 acre minimum. It’s clear that Ordinance 5289 was adopted by the City Council specifically to enable Tower 155 to be built to 160′.

      As you can see in Attachment 1, Mayor Haynie voted against adopting Ordinance 5289. But she was the last City Council member in the rotation to vote on the ordinance that night and by the time it was her turn to vote the measure already had already passed with three “YES” votes. This means that her vote did not matter. The reason that this is highlighted in the article is that this is the only huge development in the downtown that she voted against in 17 years and her “NO” vote on this project was meaningless.

  2. great explanations…the handwriting is on the wall.
    vote against Haynie n Singer.

    please vote for AL Zucaro for mayor,Andi o’rouke for city council n Patti Derishi fit city council.

    we need new blood on city council to protect the residents!

    • Hi Pat, a change in attitude is not reflected in her voting record. For example, see this 2016 article on the proposed development east of A1A: /misleading-or-incompetence-2500-n-ocean-approved/. Also, throughout 2016 she tried to block the residents’ initiative petition that prevents commercialization of city-owned lands on the Intra-Coastal Waterway. So she is still allowing over-development to proceed after all these years.

    • She will never change she will just get better at distorting the truth. Example her new campaign video shows her driving around the city in her car with no traffic to be seen. She simply doesn’t care about the citizens of this city.

      Patti Dervishi for city council Seat A

  3. This is exactly why I beg you to endorse me rather then taking a neutral stance. Boca Watch has completely overlooked the two unaddressed council members: Weinroth and Rogers which is one confirmed candidate in the developers corner (Weinroth). It is my belief they only need one more vote to give developers a majority. I implore you to rethink this position and endorse me for seat A. Thank you Patti
    Have you not seen Haynie’s, Singer’s, Thomson’s signs on BATMASIAN and developers properties? We cannot put our signs there because they know full well we are not for their kind of development. Oh yeah, Singer has more experience of approving development and not addressing citizens concerns. Patti Dervishi Seat A

  4. The truth of the matter is Singer voted 80% of the time for irresponsible development. As the election time drew close in appearance he would like voters to believe he has changed his tune to win votes. What Boca Watch has neglected to highlight is we have two councilmen not up for election Weinroth and Rogers who are both in the pockets of developers.In essence by not endorsing me against Scott Singer Boca Watch is handing the majority of city council votes to the developers. Weinroth Rogers and Singer. Elect Patti Dervishi Seat A City Council Seat A


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