A ‘Hodgepodge’ of Issues Discussed at the City Council Debate Last Week


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Publisher’s comment:

A brief overview of last week’s candidates’ debate uncovered little differentiation in policy and position.   With some notable exceptions the candidates were predictable and boring.  When asked about the City Campus plan most supported the expenditure of public funds to vision and build a campus complex for residents and tourists alike.  Spend, spend, spend…that seemed the mantra in exploring this item.  As for funding, most suggested that the $65,000,000 from the municipal golf course sale would be the target for funding.  With the exception of candidate Mayotte, who advocated for banking the money and deciding later it highest and best use, all others were perfectly willing to move forward and spend immediately.  Candidate Preste however, suggested that he would first  aggressively invest the money; turn the corpus from $65m to $100m before spending to build the City Hall complex; an aggressive corpus increase by a near 50% factor.

On the issue of overdevelopment, congestion and traffic, most of the candidates focused on futuristic babble.  Again candidate Mayotte was precise focusing on issues that can be implemented now to reduce and resolve the immediate pressing problems.  Deputy Mayor Rodgers did propose ”putting the teeth back in” the Planned Mobile District ordinances; a worthwhile policy position ; however, a push back to a problem that he has been a contributing factor.   Candidate Kim Do on the downtown parking situation suggested that an ordinance be drafted encouraging private sector garages open to public parking for a fee.

Of critical importance, however. should have been the ethics challenges existing in Boca Raton. With the exception of candidate Mayotte, all others, especially Deputy Mayor Rodgers, were silent on integrity, transparency and accountability issues….Unacceptable!!!

Al Zucaro

Image created by Jessica Gray

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