Don’t Miss This! -The Future of Your Beaches & Parks Are at Stake


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BocaWatch to Host Live Debate Between Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District Commissioner Candidates with Randy Schultz of Boca Magazine as Moderator

BOCA RATON, Fla., Aug. 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Community watchdog organization, BocaWatch, will be hosting a live debate featuring the candidates running for the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District Commission seats currently up for election.

The debate will be held on Thursday, August 11 at 6:30 pm at the Boca Raton Community Center and it will be moderated by Randy Schultz of Boca Raton Magazine. All residents are encouraged to attend.

“It is important for us to provide the community with a platform that publicly engages taxpayers in a manner they can participate in,” said Andrea O’Rourke, BocaWatch editor in chief. “We want to provide an open dialogue between all community representatives and agencies which results in thoroughly informed and involved citizens.”

All candidates will be present for this unprecedented opportunity. Candidates for seat 1 include Craig Ehrnst, Shayla Enright and Dennis Frisch (incumbent) and seat 3 include John Costello, Earl Starkoff (incumbent), and Erin Wright.  The applicants running for election will be on the primary ballot August 30.

“We are at a pivotal time for the District,” said Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District Commissioner Steve Engel. “This forum will give residents the opportunity to hear from incumbents and opponents alike on their knowledge of the issues and visions for the District’s future.”

Significant tax dollars are allocated to the District each year, making this an important election for citizens concerned with how their taxes are spent. Doors for the debate open at 6 pm and the Boca Raton Community Center is located at 150 Crawford Blvd.

About BocaWatch
Established in 2012 as a response to over-development and congestion in Boca Raton, BocaWatch was created by a group of concerned citizens with the intention to provide a platform where the voices of residents could be heard. The main objective of the organization, which is spearheaded by Publisher Al Zucaro, is to inform, educate and create dialogue that supports responsible and sustainable growth for the city’s future.

About the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District
Established in 1974, the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks district serves all of the entire City of Boca Raton, as well as some surrounding communities located in Palm Beach County. The organization was created with the purpose to protect and maintain all of the parks, fields, courts and beaches within the area the District serves.

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  1. From the BocaWatch standpoint the debate is really meaningless. No matter what happens at the debate BocaWatch will endorse Dennis Fritsch and Earl. This operates under the principal of the “Enemy of My Enemy” is my friend. For some unexplained reason the District thinks the enemy is the City and its ELECTED officials. Not so. The vocal minority does not represent the majority of citizens of Boca Raton, and it is clear that the “status quo” just doesn’t work any more. After pointing out the CLEAR CONFLICT between having the District’s attorney acting as Executive Director at the same time–well surprise–surprise we now have a “Independent” (doubtful) Executive Director. Where is Al Zucaro when we need him to file non-frivolous ethics complaints when we need them. LOL


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