Big Meetings on the Summer Schedule


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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While vacations are upon us…important decisions will be made in City Council Chambers.

Get out your pencils and calendars and MARK THESE DATESCitizen support and involvement make all the difference.

Approval for Restaurant on Wildflower Property is Moving Forward

Deputy City Manager George Brown announced at the last City Council meeting that lease negotiations with Hillstone Restaurant Group have been completed and the restaurant lease for the Wildflower site is now scheduled to come forward for approval.

Wildflower/Hillstone Approval Schedule is a Follows: These are all public hearings allowing the citizens to speak.

Thursday, June 9th 6:30pm at City Hall – Planning & Zoning meet for the consideration and recommendations to City Council of Land Use Change, Rezoning and Long Term Lease.

Monday June 13th 1:30pm at City Hall – Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) will receive a report on the long awaited traffic study regarding the intersection for Palmetto Park Rd and 5th Ave.

Tuesday, June 14th 6:00pm at City Hall – Introduction of Land Use Change, Conditional Use, Site Plan approval of the a long-term lease of a Hillstone restaurant on the Wildflower site.

Tuesday, July 26th 6:00pm at City Hall – City Council’s final hearing for approvals on all of the above related to the Wildflower property items.

Some Details You May Want To Know

  1. A high priority set by our City Council in this year’s goals is a Comprehensive Waterfront Plan. The Wildflower site is the only downtown-adjacent, City owned waterfront property, and yet project approval comes before the Comprehensive Waterfront Property Analysis has been executed.
  2. A month long petition drive was just completed and over 2,000 signatures of Boca Raton registered voters were turned in to the City Clerk’s office on Tuesday (double the amount necessary). The residents are requesting the decision regarding future use of the city owned Wildflower property be placed on a ballot for a vote of the citizens. See article.

 *Charter Change for Appointed vs. Elected City Council  – (Also) Tuesday, June 14th at 6pm at City Hall – A motion to change our City Charter is being brought forward. As it stands currently, if a Council Member resigns, the four remaining sitting members appoint someone to the vacant position. In the case of a Mayor resignation the Deputy Mayor becomes Mayor and the remainder select a new Council Member. The appointed (as opposed to elected) position may end up serving close to two years in some circumstances. To understand details refer to article  *Citizen support is essential.

…And there is Special Meeting – Wednesday, June 8th – 6:30pm at City Hall – Architectural Roundtable – Architects have been invited by the Mayor to sit on a panel and discuss architecture in Downtown, including the fundamental concepts of the building design of Addison Mizner and the creative interpretation. Link to information

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