Shop Local – Shop Online Vendors from Boca Raton


This new “Age of Covid” presents a shopping problem: We want to be able to support local vendors, but too many of us want to stay home instead. We don’t have the freedom we once had to shop locally. And honestly, face it: online shopping is so convenient, and the prices are very competitive. Even if you want to shop locally, shopping online is just too easy and cheap.

Now there’s a way where people who live in Boca Raton can shop online and shop locally at the same time: finding the items here on in our new “Shop” section. Get the stuff you need, support local vendors and at the same time support It’s a win, win, win.

Look at this list of items that are being sold online, but by vendors from Boca Raton. Shop local with the convenience of online. Support your neighbors and keep the commerce inside Boca without having to leave your home. Items sold here are offered by 3rd parties, not the publisher of 4boca.

[product_category category=”boca-seller” limit=”12″ columns=”4″ paginate=”true” orderby=”random” order=”desc”]

Click here to see the entire list of items being sold online from Boca Raton.

New items are being added all the time. Check again soon.

Something every town needs but Boca got first.

We’ve been thinking about creating an “online farmer’s market” for a long time. So I finally created this place here – where local vendors can have their wares showcased in one place. Here you can see the stuff only local vendors are selling. To be categorized as a “Boca Seller” you’ve got to have your address, as the seller of the item, officially in Boca Raton.

Items sold here may be part of an affiliate program which includes Amazon, Etsy and other e-commerce platforms where the publisher of this site gets a per-sale commission.

Do you know someone in Boca who is selling online?

Let us showcase their merchandise here. We’ll let the local community know they’re our neighbors! Contact


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