Orion Fresh Mediterranean


    About Orion Fresh Mediterranean:
    Orion, in Greek Mythology, is the hunter. His job is to fill the table with abundance. At Orion Fresh Mediterranean, the table of abundance is just the beginning of your dining pleasure. By blending the culinary styles of Asia, Greece, and America with a lifetime of experience in cooking, the owners have created dishes of shared culinary origins. Family recipes from the kitchens of Momma and Grandma allow the menu to be influenced by tradition, yet not bound by it.
    The aroma of fresh and healthy vegetables, herbs, and spices, punctuate the air, as a wide variety of flavors tease the palate. Unleash your creativity, your bowl your way. The various influences of cooking and cultural ingredients create a sum greater than its parts. Like the vast and majestic Mediterranean Sea, our menu is abundant, flavorful, and unforgettable.
    Open Monday-Sunday 10:30 am-9 PM
    We view our patrons as a family and the dinner table as a circle of friends!

    Use DeliveryDudes for online orders for delivery: https://deliverydudes.com/restaurants/orion-fresh-mediterranean-boca-raton-fl-8586


    Orion Fresh Mediterranean
    Notice:During this time of National Emergency, this business has adjusted hours and/or operations explained below:*
    Adjusted National Emergency Hours:Closed until further notice
    Special Notice to Customers & Employees:Watch the website for re-opening
    1930 NE 5th Avenue
    Boca Raton 33431
    Phone:(561) 245-8606
    NAICS:722511 - Full Service Restaurant
    Image URLhttps://www.4boca.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ORION-Logos-3.png

    * The publisher of this website assumes no responsiblity for the accuracy or timeliness of this information. Use the information here at your own risk. It is best to confirm whether a location is actually opened or not using a secondary method: the business website, recent social media postings, texting, emailing, or verbally on the telephone.

    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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