

    Fitness-4lyfe is a mobile fitness company that provides all types of training anywhere and for any client. I specialize in general health & fitness training, fat loss, body sculpting, functional training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and sports conditioning. I also provide nutrition and online coaching.

    I honestly love helping people and giving back. I also aim to exceed customers’ expectations and be a teacher and a student of fitness.

    I started my fitness journey over 15 years ago, playing basketball every chance I got. Fitness and sports have always been my lifestyle. I always wanted to be able to contribute and give back to my community in a natural way, and personal training has been a vehicle for that.
    I found my love for personal training by helping friends and family members meet their fitness goals that improved their overall health. Ever since my first client almost six years ago, I have known I found my calling. Ever since then, I have been working to build my knowledge and expertise in the industry and developing all the necessary tools to help any client achieve their fitness goals most efficiently and safely. One of the most significant parts about training is meeting tons of great people and being able to bring value to their life.
    I’m passionate about fitness, health, and wellness; I love what I do every day!

    All potential clients get a free training session. The best way to contact me is by phone, text message, or visit my website at I look forward to meeting you!

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    * The publisher of this website assumes no responsiblity for the accuracy or timeliness of this information. Use the information here at your own risk. It is best to confirm whether a location is actually opened or not using a secondary method: the business website, recent social media postings, texting, emailing, or verbally on the telephone.

    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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