Former Beach and Parks Candidate John Costello Endorses Earl Starkoff!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Local CPA, and former Beach and Parks District candidate, John Costello, has formally endorsed incumbent Earl Starkoff for Seat 3.  As the top two vote getters in the August 30th primary, Mr. Starkoff will face Erin Wright in a run-off election on Nov. 8.

The significance of this endorsement cannot be understated.  Here are the results of the August 30th Primary:


Wright –                       38%                  4,415

Starkoff –                     37.1%              4,312*

Costello –                     24.9%              2,900

Obviously, if Costello voters swing to their candidate’s choice of Starkoff, it could give the incumbent a decided advantage.  However, with a November election and very high voter turnout expected, all things are possible.

Stay tuned as BocaWatch continues its coverage of The Greater Boca Raton Beach and Parks District.

Check out the press release below for more details on the endorsement:

Microsoft Word - 2016-09-12 J Costello endorsement.docx

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