Taking My Commitment For Our City to a Higher Level !


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

I cannot be more excited to tell you all…I AM RUNNING FOR BOCA RATON CITY COUNCIL SEAT B in the upcoming March, 2017 election!

As an active and dedicated resident, volunteer and business woman in Boca Raton for 37 years I feel the time is right to take my passion to a higher level of service for our community.

With your support we can make it happen!

The timing of this dramatic change in direction of my life is motivated by my love of this special City. If not now, when? I have no political aspirations beyond my willingness to serve and be a prominent voice of the citizens of Boca Raton.

Among my ideas and vision for our city I include the following:

  • As the city continues to grow I will to be a voice for the residents.
  • It is time to revisit the long-term vision for our city and create a new comprehensive plan based on what is best for the common good of the residents both today and into the future.
  • I will be focused on the impact of increased density and how it affects our quality of life, with traffic being a major concern.
  •  My approach of being a voice of reason, along with the relationships I have built over many years, provide me the ability to ‘bridge the gap’ between the residential, development and political community.
  • I will hold future development to a very high standard and create an expectation that developers provide top quality projects and give back to the community in the form of public art and green space.
  • Progress and development is not only inevitable, it is essential. I can bring my education (BFA from FAU), my creative experience, and expertise into the visioning process.
  • I believe we must value and preserve our green space and public land for future generations. My vision is to maintain the true core values that have made Boca Raton so charming, unique and outstanding among south Florida’s cities.
  • I will encourage business incubator programs at our local universities to help spur future economic development.

On a separate note, it was only last year that I officially became the Editor of BocaWatch.org. This civic minded website has played a major role in enhancing my understanding of the workings of our city. I support the idea of having an open forum and platform for citizens to exchange opinions and ideas. I would like to thank BocaWatch for allowing me the opportunity to bring reasonable and visionary conversation to the forefront.

Due to the new challenges I will face, I must dedicate my full efforts to the upcoming campaign. Therefore, effective September 1st, I will resign from my position as Editor.

But rest assured I will be (Boca)Watching!


Andrea Levine O’Rourke

I look forward to “Building our Future Together”

Check out my website for more info…In just a week or two it will be filled with info and donation information. Feel free to contact me anytime at andrea@andreaorourke.com
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  1. We are so excited for Boca! Being very fortunate to be friends of Andrea and George, we know first hand her passion for our city. Go Andi and know the love and support behind you!

  2. Great news for Boca… Andrea is a passionate lady and represents the Boca’s future… Beth and Joe are voting for this sensational candidate.

  3. Disappointed to see that you graduated from FAU but the development of 20th Street as a college district is not listed as one of your priorities. I’d like to hear your position on that.

  4. Thank you Michael for bringing that to my attention. It was an oversight on my part to not mention it. I am a proud ‘hometown’ Owl and delighted with the advancements that FAU has made! I am in favor of improving 20th Street. My vision is an appropriate mix of businesses, housing and services done with the charm that has put Boca on the map.I would like to see input from FAU and the community.

  5. Now we’re talking! Finally, someone we can trust. Someone with a vision and a passion without self interest. Love you and so proud to support you. Anyone interested in having someone with common sense in office should join this campaign and rally your neighbors and friends to vote! Don’t just sit and talk about how bad things are around here.
    DO SOMETHING!! VOTE FOR ANDREA! (OK, I’m done ranting)……


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