The Click Whisperer

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    Feed Title: The Click Whisperer
    - Jason Pelish

    Spiders get the bugs that bite us but that we can’t see. Spiders are cool. Spiders are just another part of the bigger network of life that emerges, that we’ve always been part of. Not scary – actually friendly if you are friendly to it. Try leaving space for spiders in your home. Leave as […]

    - Jason Pelish

    Chakras are energy centers, power centers, located in a Person, that connect different levels of consciousness and priorities to locations within human bodies, a concept associated with Eastern philosophies, particularly with the practice of yoga. How I Learned About Chakras I grew up around some New England hippies heavily influenced by New Age ideas emerging […]

    - Jason Pelish

    What is a meaningful definition of Web 3? Web 3.0 is an emerging stage in web evolution that involves the migration from co-dependency platforms to less limited self-publishing accelerated by the emergence of tools that let people take more control of the town square. Nobody else has come up with a definition of Web 3 […]

    - Jason Pelish

    The Turing Test is a trial applied to an artificial intelligence where conversation reveals whether the tester is talking to a person or a machine. It’s a test of the quality of the machine, whether an artificial intelligence is sufficiently sophisticated enough to trick a person into believing they’re talking to another person. The technology […]

    - Jason Pelish

    AI Content creation has become a fad among SEO practitioners, people attempting to get their pages and sites ranked higher on search engines. It’s a manipulative technique. Its effectiveness at generating high volumes of content good at “tricking” search engine AI. This can lead to misinformation growing online, information that misleads people and has the […]

    - Jason Pelish

    Shadowbanning, Muting, Unboosting and De-Ranking are technology tactics social media companies use to  silently control speech without letting their users know they’re being censored. Say something controversial or ask the wrong question and your voice can get dialed down without you knowing it. Unlike getting punished with a stint in “Facebook Jail”, hidden algorithms can […]

    - Jason Pelish

    Print publications and magazine readership probably won’t survive in a post-covid world. The way that magazine publishers calculate their value to advertisers is completely different today than it was last year. Publishers depended on many people reading, handling, touching one copy of a magazine before 2020, but now it’s a completely different story. It makes […]

    - Jason Pelish

    Will robots make humans obsolete? Or instead, will artificial intelligence somehow gain a fondness for people? Will machines desire our company, our collaboration? Can we teach them compassion, and gift them with mercy, perhaps even with soul? How can people have a future unless we do that very thing: make a machine more than a […]

    - Jason Pelish

    I’ve observed something I can’t label as anything other than disappointing and genuinely confusing.  I’ve had many applicants apply for “Social Media Marketer.” I’ve had vendors contacting me offering outsourced social media services. However, few applicants and vendors do the one critical thing they should be doing: giving the brand they’re applying with, or contacting, […]

    - Jason Pelish

    So now you might think The Click Whisperer has gone off the deep end. It sounds really hokey, doesn’t it? Dark Arts? Really? Is he serious? He can’t really mean “spells and magic”, right? Well, read on. This is very serious business. Dark Arts are real. Building defenses towards them is a learned skill. The […]

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