Palm Beach County Tax Collector


    We are the Constitutional Tax Collector’s Office, serving Palm Beach County. The Florida Constitution established the Tax Collector’s Office as an independent agency to be free from influence by local or state agencies that have the power to levy taxes. The Constitutional Tax Collector is elected every four years in the same year as the presidential election.

    Palm Beach County Tax Collector
    Notice:During this time of National Emergency, this business has adjusted hours and/or operations explained below:*
    Adjusted National Emergency Hours:STILL OPEN - Mon. - Fri. 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Read Note>>
    Special Notice to Customers & Employees:Effective Tuesday, March, 17, 2020, the following measures will be taken to reduce overcrowding: No more than 50 clients at a time will be admitted into Palm Beach County Tax Collector Offices. As one client leaves, another client will be issued a ticket by the receptionist and allowed to enter the office. Security guards at each location will help oversee this process. Only the client who is conducting business with the Tax Collector’s Office will be permitted to enter the facility.
    P.O. Box 3715
    West Palm Beach FL 33402-3715
    Standard Business Hours:Mon. - Fri. 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Image URL

    * The publisher of this website assumes no responsiblity for the accuracy or timeliness of this information. Use the information here at your own risk. It is best to confirm whether a location is actually opened or not using a secondary method: the business website, recent social media postings, texting, emailing, or verbally on the telephone.

    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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