Boca Raton Public Schools


    Boca Raton Public Schools are part of the Palm Beach County School District.

    The Hotline for questions related to the Coronavirus Pandemic is  (561) 969-5840

    Announced on Mar 17th: Schools closed until April 15th

    Read this earlier memo from the district related to closing and planned re-opening of schools. 

    Boca Raton Public Schools
    Notice:During this time of National Emergency, this business has adjusted hours and/or operations explained below:*
    Adjusted National Emergency Hours:CLOSED
    Special Notice to Customers & Employees:schools will be closed through APRIL 15th
    Image URL

    * The publisher of this website assumes no responsiblity for the accuracy or timeliness of this information. Use the information here at your own risk. It is best to confirm whether a location is actually opened or not using a secondary method: the business website, recent social media postings, texting, emailing, or verbally on the telephone.

    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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