Biazzo Law, PLLC


    Biazzo Law is a Florida and North Carolina law firm that provides client-focused services in Personal Injury Law, Business Law and Estate Planning. We assist clients in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Russian. We handle numerous injury matters including but not limited to car accidents, uber accidents, lyft accidents nursing home negligence and abuse cases, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, boating accidents, jet ski accidents, cruise ship accidents, slip and fall accidents and more. We provide Free Personal Injury Consultations and Competetive Rates for our Services.

    Biazzo Law, PLLC
    2255 Glades Road
    Suite 324A
    Boca Raton 33431
    Phone:(561) 939-6300
    NAICS:Undefined - Choose One
    Image URL
    Practice Specialty:Civil Litigation

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    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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