Boca Heaven Spa


    This hidden secret was revealed to my wife, Lisa, by Jeri, the top eyebrow expert in Boca Raton. She told us to get the 2 hour body scrub with massage. I’ve had plenty of massages before and totally love steam rooms and saunas – – this combined the best of both worlds.

    The phenomenon of Korean Body Scrubs is something that seems to be taking off. It’s no wonder why – when you emerge your skin looks amazing. Mine literally glowed. But this kind of treatment isn’t for everyone. If you’re not cool with being naked and having someone scrub almost every part of your body you might feel a little uncomfortable.

    First they put you in a steam room to get your skin softened up. Then they lay you down on this oversized massage table that has a thick ply of clear vinyl on top – like those old style couch cushion covers. They get scrubbing with these mitts and your skin literally comes off to the degree where you can see it. After much rinsing and scrubbing you go back into a sauna room this time. They take you out, massage you and give you a facial.

    Two hours is a long time for me to sit still and not totally spaz out thinking about stuff I want to do instead. But this two hours was one of the best two hours I’ve ever spent in a spa. I totally recommend going here to anyone who hasn’t tried it yet.

    Check out this Buzzfeed video on YouTube where people are talking about getting body scrubs: The inside of Boca Heaven Spa is a lot nicer inside than the spa in this YouTube video though.


    Boca Heaven Spa
    1580 NW 2nd Ave.
    Suite 6
    Boca Raton FL 33431
    Phone:(561) 409-3500
    NAICS:81211 Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services
    Image URL

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